20世纪30年代,华南医科大学迎来了新的学生。出身优渥的好姐妹夏梦芊(温心 饰)和方慧茹(赵多娜 饰)同被分到传说中闹鬼并死过人而被封闭起来的宿舍415,与她们一同入住的还有神神叨叨勤学卦术的汪子乔(赵美彤 饰)和高贵冷艳自视甚高的何秋岚(王千一 饰)。校园恐怖传说,配合浪漫美好的青涩恋情,让少女们的校园生活充满了别样的乐趣。然而一切急转直下,梦芊无意间撞破秋岚的风流韵事,而后者因匿名举报信跳楼自杀。未过多久,子乔也死于非命。 清新的校园生活蒙上恐怖的阴影,一连串恐怖事件的背后,邪恶阴险的阴谋悄然浮出水面……
美国加州的圣佩雷罗港一艘货轮爆炸,死亡27人,9000万美元失踪。事故发生以后,联邦调查局探员白基奇在医院等待昏迷不醒的幸存者;海关特派员大卫(查兹•帕明特里 饰)则对另外一名拿到特赦令的幸存者金特(凯文•史派西 饰)进行了审问。 金特供认,在事故中丧生的基顿(加布里埃尔•伯恩 饰)、法特(本尼西奥•德托罗 饰)、麦曼诺(斯蒂芬•鲍尔文 饰)和杜
凯特(凯瑟琳·泽塔-琼斯 Catherine Zeta-Jones 饰)天生丽质,是一所餐厅里杰出的主厨,她是个十足的工作狂,因为工作她的生活变得十分刻板,没有一丝火花。对自己的手艺非常自信的她常常都坚持己见,老板只好强迫她去看心理医生。
一个全身赤裸的年轻男人蹲在室内靠窗的一株树干上,目光呆滞。他就是芬尼克斯(Axel Jodorowsky 饰),被关在精神病院的一位患者。从小体弱多病性格孤僻的芬尼克斯,童年是在马戏班里度过的。父亲奥高(盖伊·斯托克韦尔 Guy St ockwell 饰)是马戏班班主,母亲嘉西娅(布兰卡·格拉 Blanca Guerra 饰)是空中飞人的演员。嘉西娅信奉拜物教,她供的神是个被两个兄弟奸杀的断臂少女。在她流血的地方,人们挖池贮水建起教堂,取名“圣血”。当神父发现所谓的圣血不过是红油漆水时,同意当地政府拆毁教堂。嘉西娅带领教徒反抗。当嘉西娅发现奥高与人通奸时发起报复,奥高拿飞刀斩去嘉西娅双臂,割脉自杀。芬尼克斯进入精神病院。在嘉西娅的唆使下,芬尼克斯逃出精神病院,成为了嘉西娅的“魔手”。
Satoshi Minagawa (Kanji Tsuda), an office worker, he seems like a serious person but in real life, he is a mania for porn movie collecting. Nao Aiba (Rubi Aiba), high school student, she wanders the town with her friend Mami rather than go to school. Sayuri Maejima (Shion Machida), unemployed, very beautiful but unorganized person. Her brother Kou gets teased from his classmate...
A fast paced dramatic thriller set in locations throughout Victoria, Australia. Grady (Marcus Graham) an ex-soldier whose life has been disrupted and his emotions disturbed, by his experiences at war and in prison, escapes from police custody after attending the burial of his murdered brother, Chris. Although free he is 'on the run' and is driven by his desire for freedom and a need to avenge his brother's death by finding his killer. With his hands still handcuffed Grady returns home and he turns to his former lover Kate, for help. Initially, Kate is not pleased to see Grady but she reluctantly agrees to help him. Grady attempts to call in some favors from his old cell mate, Keith, who together with Grady, Chris and their cousin Frank, were involved in money laundering operations. Keith is now keen to stay on the side of the law. Keith tells Grady that Frank and Chris were in business together and that Frank should not be trusted - Chris had made that mistake and now he was dead. Grady and Kate drive to Chris's country house and on their arrival they meet Frank Maguire. Frank is very nervous and Grady suspects that Chris was betrayed by the people whom he trusted most. They find a number of clues that Chris had left and they piece together the events leading to his death. Thrown together again they realize that their passion for each other still exists and, in an all explosive climax they are forced to fight for their lives - and their future