The adventure begins when Lucas a 13 year old boy embarks on the vacation of a lifetime. When disaster strikes| Lucas finds himself stranded in a strange land littered with ghost ships and prehistoric creatures. While searching for other signs of life| Lucas hears a radio broadcast in the distance and is drawn into the jungle where he encounters a beautiful young girl who claims to have come from the 1950s. Together they set out on a quest to get home all the while uncovering secrets that will forever change the future.
星野达郎(武田鉄矢 饰),42岁,某建设管理公司的万年系长。其貌不扬的他事业平平,爱情道路上更是诸多坎坷。到目前为止,他已经参加99次相亲,却无一例外遭到拒绝。与之相对,达郎的弟弟纯平(江口洋介 饰)年青俊朗,风度翩翩,备受异性的瞩目,这令达郎颇为汗颜。再又一次相亲路上,达郎结识了美丽的大提琴手矢吹薰(浅野温子 饰)。薰曾有一名深爱的恋人,但在3年前的结婚典礼前夕恋人因故去世,致使薰久久沉浸在痛失所爱的悲伤中无法自拔。虽有一波三折,但在纯平和薰的妹妹千惠(田中律子 饰)的努力下,达郎和薰的关系渐渐融洽。 直到某一天,与故去恋人相貌极其相似的一个男人出现在薰的面前……
巴里(Barry)是个充满毒品的虐待性混蛋,在又一个弯刀之后,被外星人绑架。 当外星访客控制住自己的身体,并通过开普敦(Cape Town)进行操纵时,巴里(Barry)坐到了后座。 当我们的外星游客进入人类奇怪而美好的世界时,随之而来的是毒品,性和暴力的冲击。 弗里德·巴里(FRIED BARRY)是根据同名的短片改编而成,该短片获得了57场官方提名,并在全球电影节上获得了12场胜利。
★ Bii首部大銀幕作品 ★ 李玉璽+畢書盡 大銀幕魅力交鋒 ★ 如果你的初戀變成別人的賭注 夢幻校草二人組:花心李詩俊(李玉璽飾)+柔情崔秀男(畢書盡飾)佔據了全校99%女生的夢中情人排行榜冠亞軍,當然也包括剛考進藝校的菜鳥王乃元(王宇兒飾)!這位菜鳥是同學眼中的「對不起學妹」,沒美貌又沒自信,不幸卻第一眼就被神采飛揚的人氣學長給吸引!小白兔誤入險惡叢林,殊不知… 她還有野蠻學姊胡明玲(李劭婕飾)和冰山美人學姊林曼仙(林映唯飾)兩位強勁對手! 喜歡一個人可能有100個原因,也可能連1個理由都沒有。當詩俊開始注意到這個不起眼的學妹時,明玲學姊眼明立即觀察到他倆互動,於是跟詩俊打賭能否讓菜鳥學妹不知不覺的掏心喜歡上他!另一方面,秀男總是守護在詩俊身邊,認為沒有人可以配得上詩俊,包括跟他整天混在一起談天的曼仙。賭注已經開始,菜鳥傻呼呼的初戀,是否變成殘酷的成人禮? 詩俊能逃出自己下的”喜歡“賭注嗎?
Carmen learns that her daughter Maria died in an accident. After a couple of days, she decides to go to her apartment for some paperwork but here she discovers that Maria was about to adopt a Vietnamese girl named Thi Mai. Carmen then decides to go to Vietnam with her friends Elvira and Rosa, although none of the three has ever left Spain in their life. During the search for Thi Mai, they will have the opportunity to experience crazy and hilarious situations caused by cultural differences. They will be accompanied by Dan, a Vietnamese guide, and Andrés, a young Spanish actor going to Hanoi to live with his partner.