Noah and Katrina return to the island paradise of Tobago, where they fell in love three years ago. However, when Noah's marriage proposal is rejected, paradise quickly becomes a heartbreaking prison for them both
木雅锅庄主曲登的母亲生命垂危, 藏医、中医、西医均回天乏术。为挽救母亲的生命,万般无奈之下,曲登只好接受他人的建议,以娶妾冲喜的方式来做最后的努力。妻子卓玛伤心不已,带着年幼的女儿康珠愤然回了娘家。 新婚之日,母亲升天,接着传来更大的噩耗:妻子一家葬身火海,女儿康珠下落不明。悲愤万分的曲登派人四处寻找女儿的下落没有结果,于是将其遭遇妻离子散的灾难都迁 怒在了新媳妇央珍的身上,二人从此过着有名无实的夫妻生活。 康珠逃过了那场人为的火灾,其家中一位姓李的汉族银匠带着她逃难到了塔戈草原。为了安全康珠改名金秀,称李银匠阿爸。在塔戈草原他们被善良的铁匠母子措姆和洛桑收留,措姆以自己的智慧使康珠父女免于大难。李银匠凭着做银器的手艺在桂花桥安了家,康珠和洛桑也成为了形影不离的好朋友。 十几年后,一个偶然的机会,曲登获悉康珠还活着,急忙派人去将康珠接回木雅锅庄。而此...
In Ispahan, Persia, Hajji Baba is leaving his father's shop to seek a greater fortune, while the Princess Fawzia is trying to talk her father, the Caliph into giving her in marriage to Nur-El-Din, a rival prince known far and wide as mean and fickle. Her father intends Fawzia for Fawzia to marry a friend and ally, and makes plans to send her to him. But a courier brings word from Nur-El-Din that an escort awaits Fawzia on the outskirts of the city and she escapes the palace disguised as a boy. Hajji encounters the escort-warrior at the rendezvous spot, is attacked and beats up the escort with his barber's tools. The princess arrives and mistakes Hajji as the escort until he mistakes the emerald ring sent by Nur-El-Din to Fawzia as the prize to be delivered. In her efforts to escape him, her turban becomes unbound and Hajji realizes that the girl herself is the treasure Nur-El-Din awaits. Hajji promises to escort her and they spend the night with the caravan of Osman Aga, who invites them to stay for the dancing girls, among them, the incomparable Ayesha. The pair are overtaken by the Caliph's guards sent to bring Fawzia back, but the guards are driven off by an invading army of Turcoman women, a band of fierce and beautiful women who prey on passing merchants.