Totally unawares, Saverio, a teacher and Mario, a janitor of the same school in which they both work, travel back in time and find themselves in central Italy at the end of the 15th century. They carry with them an unresolved squabble concerning Saverio’s sister, creating a lot of tension between the two, which will increase in the plot. From this moment on they will have to come to grips with the grotesque situation they find themselves in, trying to "hitch a lift" back to the future in a most outlandish way, using and misusing their foresight of the events taking place round that time, and generally making fools of themselves in the eyes of "normal" renaissance folks. Their meeting with Leonardo da Vinci is hysterical, when they become more and more convinced that the genius is in reality a moron. Another character they meet is Savonarola the heretic, who enjoins them to repent, before he is taken to the stake, eliciting some breezy comment from them. If it weren’t for a weird kind of homesickness, they would quite enjoy living in this period, full of daring fashions and tantalising damsels. The couple shows great chemistry and is funny in every respect. The psychology of their characters is complex and credible - for once comical roles with a depth. Basically, Saverio is an embittered petit-bourgeois forever attracted and rejected by women, envious of Mario, an easy-going proletarian every woman falls in love with. Saverio is scheming, mean and vindictive as much as Mario is naive, generous and forgiving. What a match of talents: Roberto Benigni and Massimo Troisi at the peak of combined creativity. Too bad they will never come back together for another joint venture. Or maybe it is better this way: masterpieces of this level cannot be improved on, at best they can be imitated. For this reason Non ci resta che piangere will shine like a gem in the crown of the best Italian movies of all times. Sadly not many people seem to have seen it, not even in Italy, where the viewers do not need subtitles to enjoy the hilarious juggling of the two actors with the language, but their body language can be universally appreciated. If you miss it you will have to repent!
The film explores the dark underbelly of Thiruvananthapuram where rival goondas clash in cold-blooded gang wars to gain dominion over the city’s suburbs and slums.
十三寨寨主施纤纤装作卖身葬父,拦下将军之子闻鸣,准备用以身相许的戏码进入将军府盗取传闻中的宝藏。但因为在闻鸣遭遇袭击时施纤纤出手相救,施纤纤意外变成闻鸣全天待命的高级保镖 ,施纤纤从发愁如何干掉雇主到陷入甜甜的恋爱中。
阿富汗国会大选召开在即,为了保证大选的顺利进行,美国海军陆战队联合特种部队对辖区进行一系列彻底的清查。在某个动荡的地区,前塔利班头目艾哈迈德·沙赫趁机做大,成为了一个美国急欲除掉的眼中钉。根据线报,沙赫的武装部队隐藏在某个山区,海豹侦察小队中尉麦克·墨菲(泰勒·克奇 Taylor Kitsch 饰)带领丹尼·迪茨(埃米尔·赫斯基 Emile Hirsch 饰)、麦特·阿克塞尔森(本·福斯特 Ben Foster 饰)以及马库斯·拉特尔(马克·沃尔伯格 Mark Wahlberg 饰)三名队员前去搜寻情报。但是他们的行踪很快被当地的牧羊人发现,虽然对方是普通的平民,可却为小队提出了难题。处决牧羊人,小队将面临军事法庭的审判;释放牧羊人,这四个美国军人将可能陷入前所未有的灭顶之灾中…… 本片根据马库斯·拉特尔(Marcus Luttrell)的同名回忆录改编。
身陷囹圄的李问(郭富城 饰)被引渡回港,他原本隶属于一个的跨国假钞制贩组织。该组织曾犯下过多宗恶性案件,而首脑“画家”不仅始终逍遥法外,连真面目都没人知道。为了逼迫李问吐露“画家”真实身份,警方不惜用...
Larisa Shepitko拍过的四部故事片中的一部,该导演是1960、1970年代苏联电影的代表之一。本片根据真实故事改编,讲的是一个曾经很著名的女战斗机飞行员在战后的奋斗历程。Larisa Shepitko拍过的四部故事片中的一部,该导演是1960、1970年代苏联电影的代表之一。本片根据真实故事改编,讲的是一个曾经很著名的女战斗机飞行员在战后的奋斗历程。
尼尔·兰德尔(杰拉德·巴特勒 Gerard Butler 饰)和妻子艾比看似美满幸福,生活中相互协调照顾五岁的女儿苏菲。直到一天,一名不速之客莱恩(皮尔斯·布鲁斯南 Pierce Brosnan 饰)声称绑架了他们的女儿,并持枪威胁尼尔夫妇在接下来的24小时中完全受他摆布,不得违抗。为了女儿的安危,尼尔夫妇开始在歹徒的一个又一个要求下亲手将金钱事业一一断送。然而,就在尼尔以为剥削将要结束的时候,噩梦才真正开始,这名歹徒的身份原来牵扯着夫妻二人之间一个深不见底的秘密……