慈禧(丛珊 饰)以八旗秀女的身份选秀入宫,成为了咸丰皇帝(翁家明 饰)的妃子。尽管过着衣食无忧富丽堂皇的日子,但慈禧却并不得咸丰帝的喜爱,终日独守空房,生活在孤独和寂寞之中。咸丰帝驾崩后,慈禧的儿子登基成为同治帝,而慈禧和名为荣禄(倪齐民 饰)的男子产生了一段隐秘的感情 。
夜深人静,档案局老馆长余望然(郭九龙 饰)见到一个红衣女鬼,随后突发心脏病去世。次日,老馆长的孙子余辉(李威 饰)从现任馆长手中接到了爷爷生前最后时刻看的书《红楼史话》,书中夹了一张民国时期美丽女子的照片,余辉的思绪霎时间被带到了遥远的民国北平。在红楼值班的老余和哥们请碟仙,结果招来了一个自称叫胡司仁的冤魂,他倾诉了自己的冤屈,最后交给老余三块大洋,嘱咐他去趟胡家峪找他的女儿胡妹(梅俪儿 饰),好让自己安然下葬。心有余悸的老余找到儿子望然,无论如何让他去一趟胡家峪,几经辗转他终于来到这片荒凉所在,并和胡妹约定查找老胡的骸骨和事件真相。 而在此过程中,红楼接二连三发生灵异事件,可怕的秘密悄然复出水面……
Asia’s largest mall is ready for inauguration, although there’s a myth surrounding the mall. There have been nine accidental deaths in the mall and the owners are sick of the stories about the mall being haunted. So they decide to re-launch their mall in a grand way. This is when the lead hero of the film Jimmy Shergill (Vishnu Sharma) enters. He is an ex-army officer but lends up becoming the chief security officer of the Amity Mall. On the opening eve the owner of the mall, Mr. Manchanda calls a press conference and to dispel the fears announces that he would spend a night at the Mall with the board of directors. Manchanda and his cronies step into the Mall to spend a night and this to Manchanda is a big business strategy. Manchanda and group are not the only ones to be inside the Mall this night. Manchanda’s daughter Ahana and her friends make their way inside, as wells as Vishnu, the chief of security at the Mall who has a past that haunts him. Facts come clear only by the end ...
落难的李奇(罗嘉良 饰)在穷途末路时遇到了小学同学谢源(吴镇宇 饰),谢源误以为李奇轻生要跳海而出手相救,李奇便自此留在了谢源家中。刚好的邻居冯仁昆(黎彼得 饰)介绍他们到片场当临时演员,也认识了当红的影星邵芳芳(宣萱 饰)、程宝珠(张可颐 饰),四人更从欢喜冤家变成了恩爱无比的恋人,一起面临了不少人生关卡……