老实巴交的小伙子斯莱文(乔什•哈奈特 Josh Hartnett 饰)带着好朋友尼克对他的承诺来到了世界金融中心纽约讨生活。尼克曾承诺只要斯莱文来纽约闯天下,他将提供一切的帮助。然而,当斯莱文按照尼克提供的地址找到尼克住所时,却发现尼克已经不知所踪。身无分文又无家可归的 斯莱文只好暂时住在尼克的空房子里。大麻烦降临到斯莱文的头上!原来纽约的两伙黑帮都在竭力寻找尼克,原因尼克知道一次“黑吃黑”事件的真相。这下他们都把住在尼克家的斯莱文当成了尼克! 一时,斯莱文百口莫辨,陷入了黑帮混战中。最后,“幸运”的斯莱文能否化险为夷?
“Extraordinary” is set in a world where everyone develops a power on their 18th birthday… everyone, that is, except for Jen. She’s turning 25 and is still waiting to get hers. She’s not even fussy about what that could be: super speed? Laser eyes? The ability to plug in a USB the right way every single time? She’ll take it. Like a caterpillar surrounded by butterflies, Jen feels unable to move forward, stuck in a dead-end job in a party shop and occasionally hooking up with Luke, a flaky young man with the irritatingly cool ability to fly. Luckily, Jen has Carrie to stop her from wallowing in her own self-pity. Inseparable since school, their relationship cycles between sister, parent, and wingman. Together they share an East London flat with Carrie’s long-term boyfriend, Kash. Carrie has the power to channel the dead but feels she’s been overshadowed by her own party trick: doesn’t anyone care about what she has to say? Kash takes his power – the ability to turn back time – very seriously, but he’s not above using it to undo minor embarrassments, or moments when he says exactly the wrong thing to long-suffering Carrie. The fourth member of the flat is a stray cat, named Jizzlord by the gang, who’s harbouring a surprising secret: turns out even cats have more power than Jen.
Hospital physician June Lowe and successful author Rick Lowe have a seemingly perfect marriage, the one sticking point between them being the issue of children. Rick wants June to give up her career so that they can start a family, and while June is not averse to the notion of children, not only does she not want to give up her career but expand into writing herself, she not un...
8月20日 22-23赛季德甲第3轮 门兴VS柏林赫塔
本剧改编自阿加莎·克里斯蒂同名小说《悬崖上的谋杀》。 故事讲述当地牧师的儿子Bobby Jones和他机灵的社交名媛朋友Frances “Frankie” Derwent发现了一个奄奄一息的男人,临死前嘟囔着“他们怎么不去找Evans”,两人由此踏上了破案之路。带着从男人口袋里找到的年轻女子照片,两名业余侦探追寻着谜团背后的答案,也被谜团所追赶。
3月31日 21-22赛季NBA常规赛 独行侠VS骑士
饰演甲石的宋再临表示"甲石虽然毕业于首尔地区的研究所,但却成为了资深的鹭梁津公务员考生。因为害怕放弃而一直学习。虽然一直巴着交往了10年的女友甲顺过活,但是一个不让人讨厌的角色。" p.s 鹭梁津是韩...
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