该剧结合了野生动物电影制作技术和最新的古生物学知识,以独一无二的方式揭开古代地球壮观的动物栖息地的面纱。该剧集由 BBC Studios 自然历史部门的知名团队支持下制作。《史前星球》以白垩纪时代的环境为背景,描绘了海岸、沙漠、河流、冰雪世界和森林的场景,展示了鲜为人知且令人惊讶的恐龙生活。
二十世纪初年,河北义和团运动被清廷镇压,首领张德成临终把借来的古兵器龙凤锏交给闵宗瑞(张蜀渝 饰)和满七姑(李秀珍 饰)。转眼二十年过去了,义和团后代长大成人,闵宗瑞约满七姑八月十五赴北京天桥比武决定双锏的归属。八月十五这天,七姑的儿子满金子(龚玉春 饰)和小砘子(巩立峰 饰)带着凤锏来寻龙锏,闵宗瑞之子闵呈祥(戴文章 饰)与徒弟鲍国平(陈敏 饰)则带着龙锏寻凤锏。龙凤锏的原主人李长水的儿子李广仁(王群 饰)也闻讯至此,三拨人展开了明争暗斗。日本洋行掌柜占部(李林 饰)看出端倪,顿生歹意。天桥恶霸刘光庭调戏艺人翠花(黄维清 饰),满金子实在看不下去,打伤刘光庭将翠花救下,阴险狡诈的占部目睹一切,感觉时机已到......
纽约市一场灾难性的核爆炸后,乔什(米洛·文提米利亚 Milo Ventimiglia 饰)、米奇(迈克尔·比恩 Michael Biehn 饰)、玛丽琳(罗姗娜·阿奎特 Rosanna Arquette 饰)、萨姆(罗姗娜·阿奎特 Rosanna Arquette 饰)、达尔文(考特尼·万斯 Courtney B. Vance 饰)、伊娃(劳伦·日尔曼 Lauren German 饰)、艾德里安(阿什顿·霍尔莫斯 Ashton Holmes 饰)、波比(迈克尔·艾克朗德 Michael Eklund 饰)这8个陌生人躲进了一座公寓大楼的地下室中。突然一群身着核生化防护服的武装人员出现,掳走了幸存者中的小女孩并准备要杀死剩下的所有人,幸存者们反抗并杀死了武装人员。但地下室的大门被武装人员从外面封死了,人们被困在了地下室中。随着时间的流逝,幽闭恐惧症让这...
Set in a small Quebec town in the late-1920′s, this emotional drama follows the life and exploits of Celeste Beaumont, a talented young pianist who gains local celebrity at the town movie theater for her gifts as a silent film pianist. Awkward Pierre Blaudell is her biggest fan and eventually marries her. Shortly after this she bears his son, Pierre, who joins the army. She insists on joining him at the base and his meddlesome, snooty parents insist she give them her son. Pierre is killed in the war, and Celeste flees to New York where she finds steady employment as a jazz pianist. She finds a life-long companion with a black musician and chronicles her experiences in a diary that she passes on to her son after he grows up. Her son becomes a painter and once his own son, Antoine, is grown, reads him the story of Celeste, the youth’s grandmother. Intrigued, Antoine heads to the Big Apple in hopes of finding her. This movie is an emotional drama about how Antoine, played beautifully by François Méthé, discovers the details of his heritage. This film won many awards in Canada and at Cannes in 1988. François Méthé, who was about 11-years-old, never acted again after this movie. From IMDb: A quiet painter, separated from his wife for a year, receives a suitcase in the mail from his mother, whom he hasn’t seen since infancy. He believes she abandoned him to his wealthy, paternal grandparents. The suitcase contains mementos and a diary, a long letter to him, written over the years, with details of her youth, her first job as a pianist at a cinema, the coming of talkies, her marriage, and how he came to live with his grandparents. As he reads through the materials and her story comes to life, his son Antoine, who’s about 10 or 12, tries to break through his father’s silence and sorrow by taking matters into his own hands.