Set in Prague in 1953, this suspenseful crime drama follows honest police captain Hakl (Trojan) and his investigation of a seemingly mundane robbery at a goldsmith’s shop. In a fraught political climate, this incident is seized on by the Communist authorities, who require a smokescreen for their own, far grander, deception. On the orders of State Security, Hakl’s investigation is taken over by Major Zenke (Sebastian Koch, The Lives of Others), an East German specialist, who has been told to “prove” that the gold was stolen by the Jewish community to finance Zionist terrorism. But the experienced Hakl’s instincts puts him on the path of an altogether different story. Can one just man stand up to the forces of an increasingly oppressive state? The shadow of the past looms over all involved, and this can make a culprit of a victim and a hero of a culprit. Somber and atmospheric, this is a moving and compelling study of the Stalinist era.
The Once-Lers are told by the owner that they can sit on the wagon and that it had better not move. They and the donkey nod in agreement. The Once-Lers try to get the donkey to move. He won’t move. The small Once-Ler taunts the donkey with what looks like an apple in front of him on a long pole the he’s off. Did they get the wagon back in time? Yes, but what transpired from start to finish?
白手起家的富豪刘轩(邓超 饰)新拍下了一块地皮,并联合了女强人李若兰(张雨绮 饰)使用恐怖的声纳技术驱赶鱼类,用于填海造地。人鱼一族长期居住在附近区域的海里,为了继续生存,带头大哥章鱼八哥(罗志祥 饰)派出了美人鱼珊珊(林允 饰)“色诱”刘轩,准备刺杀。没想到珊珊在卧底过程中与刘轩暗生情愫,一次次破坏暗杀计划,而李若兰却在准备一个更丧心病狂的邪恶计划……
高中女生芳山和子(原田知世 饰)与好友堀川吾郎(尾美としのり 饰)、深町一夫(高柳良一 饰)打扫教室卫生。和子独自一人时,听到实验室传出奇怪响声。她推门进入,却看见一支烧瓶跌落地上,瓶中流出冒着白烟的不明液体。在闻到一股薰衣草香气后,和子倒在地上不省人事。 在两名好友的帮助下,和子从昏迷中苏醒。原本以为没有关系的她却惊奇地发现,她拥有了穿越时空的能力。地震、好友所遇到的危险全都在真实度极高的“梦中”出现,而就在对童年的回溯中,和子渐渐发现了好友身上的一个秘密…… 改编自筒井康隆同名科幻小说,原田知世处女作,大林宣彦“尾道三部曲”之一。
彼得帕克(汤姆·赫兰德 Tom Holland 饰)在内战后受到了钢铁侠托尼斯塔克(小罗伯特·唐尼 Robert Downey Jr. 饰)的赏识,表面上,彼得进入托尼的公司成为了一名实习生,实际上,他和复仇者联盟的成员们一起接受了各种各样的训练。托尼虽然欣赏彼得的勇敢和正直,却并不认为他目前已经拥有加入复联的实力,他派出了特工哈皮(乔恩·费儒 Jon Favreau 饰)暗中观察,这让十分想证明自己的彼得感到万分焦躁。