香港九龙城警署车队队长林国权(任达华 饰)是一个兢兢业业、貌不惊人的大叔,但每当在街头巷尾遇到突发情况时,权哥便会一显身手,降服逞凶斗狠的恶徒。原来权哥当初曾是刑侦科的一名优秀干警,但为了照顾智障生活不能自理的儿子小忠,于是主动选择退居幕后,过期平凡单调的生活。日常权哥上班时,多将儿子交给美丽女孩连翠欣(牛萌萌 饰)照顾。但由于经常遇到突发事件,所以令翠欣和女友周江汉(李璨琛 饰)的关系颇为紧张。 权哥和当年刑侦队的哥们骆华威(林雪 饰)、徒弟吕侨美(王子义 饰)在各种险恶境况下出生入死,体内的一腔热血蠢蠢欲动,他时刻感受到正义的召唤……
Paul Mullan has left the police force after mistakenly killing his partner. He became a drifter. Accidentally he lands a job as a chauffeur after meeting a mysterious wealthy gentleman named Bernhard. Soon he gets involved with in a passionate love affair with Bernhard’s lover, Michelle. Things start getting complicated for everybody when Bernhard’s daughter, Lindsey, gets kidn... (展开全部) Paul Mullan has left the police force after mistakenly killing his partner. He became a drifter. Accidentally he lands a job as a chauffeur after meeting a mysterious wealthy gentleman named Bernhard. Soon he gets involved with in a passionate love affair with Bernhard’s lover, Michelle. Things start getting complicated for everybody when Bernhard’s daughter, Lindsey, gets kidnapped. Trying to not involve the police, Bernhard asks Paul and Michelle to help rescue Lindsey. They managed to do it but they also discover that Lindsey wasn’t so innocent after all.
溪田(赵慧仙 饰)十几年来被一个噩梦所困扰,偶然中从著名画家陈风的画中看到了在梦里想杀自己的女孩。为了解梦,溪田一行五人决定去存放着这幅画真迹的深山别墅去寻找答案。没等解开答案,五人却遭遇了一系列离奇古怪的恐怖事件:离奇古怪的女主人、房间里不断传来的哭声、同行的人不断失踪遇害、枕边女鬼忽隐忽现……