20世纪30年代,英国某女子教会寄宿学校。这里校风极其严格,女孩们被要求墨守成规,不允许有任何堕落和消极的思想。而游泳队的教师G小姐(伊娃·格林 Eva Green 饰)显得如此与众不同,她个性张扬,思想开放,鼓励学生努力追求自身的欲望。在女孩们的眼中,G小姐是如此迷人。不久,来自西班牙的贵族小姐费雅玛·科罗纳(玛利亚·瓦沃德 María Valverde 饰)转学至此,她高雅尊贵的气质和亲切友善的性格令女孩们甚为倾倒,甚至G小姐也喜欢上这个出身豪门却有着独立思想的女孩。然而费雅玛的处事态度渐渐令G小姐感到矛盾与困惑,曾经是中心人物的女孩黛·拉斯菲尔德(朱诺·坦普尔 Juno Temple 饰)也心生嫉妒…… 本片根据女作家谢拉·科勒(Sheila Kohler)的同名小说改编。©豆瓣
A comic celebration of dreamers and their dreams, LIVING IN OBLIVION is the second film written and directed by Tom DiCillo. With a tone that teeters somewhere between Kafka and the Marx Brothers, it chronicles the hilarious misadventures of a group of people who have joined together to accomplish one of the most difficult goals imaginable - the making of a low-budget independent film. With an innovative and surprising structure that shifts fluidly between the movie being made and those making it, the film offers a rare and accurate -- if comically heightened -- look behind-the-scenes, with the people who make the scenes. How they make them -- and the fact that they manage to make them at all -- is what LIVING IN OBLIVION is all about. Starring Steve Buscemi as director Nick Reve, LIVING IN OBLIVION highlights a day on the set of Nick's film where everything that could possibly go wrong, actually does. Struggling against ever-escalating odds to maintain his integrity and his sanity, Nick is both helped and hindered by his bumbling, if well-intentioned crew, headed by his cinematographer Wolf (Dermot Mulroney), a cameraman whose leather gear suggests that he is more inspired by Billy Idol than Sven Nykvist; a leading lady, Nicole (Catherine Keener), a talented but neurotic actress who is involved in a romance and a rivalry with her leading man, Chad Palomino (James Le Gros); an iron-willed assistant director, Wanda (Danielle Von Zerneck); and, for the first time ever on-screen, a Gaffer.
Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in brother Niles, Eddie the dog, some bizarre situations and plenty of humour and you've got all the ingredients for an excellent show and worthy successor to Cheers.
活泼直率的夏子(清水美那 饰)就读于东京某所大学,她与在图书馆工作的女孩朋美(奥田恵梨華 饰)相识十年之久,两人更是一对同性恋人。迫于现实的压力,朋美最终提出分手,转而与公司白领小林健太(河合龍之介 饰),这令夏子分外失落。与夏子同租房子的光司(坂本爽 饰)十分喜欢这个活泼的女孩,然而却没有勇气表白,两个人更像嬉闹无羁的好哥们。某天,夏子路逢美丽的女孩加奈(大政絢 饰),加奈的母亲早年抛弃家庭与同性情人私奔,她一心希望找到母亲。夏子和光司义不容辞决定帮她一同寻找。 与此同时,朋美接受了健太的求婚,与夏子分道扬镳,而夏子和光司的关系也变得微妙起来……