AMC的在线台Shudder拿下电影改编剧《鬼作秀 Creepshow》,这部剧改编自Stephen King执笔﹑George Romero执导的同名诗选恐怖电影,而剧集版将由George Romero负责。 电影《鬼作秀》分成六个恐怖故事,其后来还出了两部续集及衍生漫画。
扎克埃夫隆 (Zac Efron) 重返 Netflix,与健康专家达林奥利恩 (Darin Olien) 一起环游澳大利亚,寻找健康、可持续的生活方式。
巴顿(约翰•特托罗 John Turturro 饰)是纽约的一名优秀的编剧,他的剧本刚刚在百老汇得到认可,好事便接踵而来。好莱坞的一间电影公司邀请他到当地创作一部关于摔角的B级片剧本,于是,巴顿便来到了好莱坞。巴顿租住在一间破败的旅馆中开始了他的创作,无奈灵感却迟迟未光临,他陷入了巨大的苦闷当中。更不幸的是,此刻,巴顿隔壁的房间里发生了种种怪事,使他犹如置身于人间炼狱,脑海中不时浮现出种种荒诞可笑的幻象……
The stranded Colonials struggle to survive under the brutal Cylon rule of New Caprica, but when Galactica returns to save humanity, the fledgling Fleet resumes its search for Earth. The Cylons, after losing control on New Caprica, depart on their own mysterious quest for Earth.
The summer before college, bright-yet-irreverent Elliott comes face-to-face with her older self during a mushroom trip. The encounter spurs a funny and heartfelt journey of self-discovery and first love as Elliott prepares to leave her childhood home. Writer-director Megan Park’s tender, surprising sophomore feature cleverly uses its high-concept premise of a visit from one’s future self to launch a refreshing, nuanced exploration of the uncertainties of young romance and coming of age. My Old Ass is a sweet teenage love story, a lively contemporary comedy, and a quirky riff on time-travel films all in one. Maisy Stella and Aubrey Plaza have a terrific unlikely chemistry, as the sass and self-assuredness of the young Elliott, as played by Stella, blends and overlaps with Plaza’s sardonic humor as a more mature Elliott. The care and affection shown in the film’s depiction of Elliott’s rural hometown in her last days before taking off for adulthood visually highlights her emotional journey, evoking a nostalgia for days that haven’t even ended yet.—HZ