表面看来,赵子雨(维妮 饰)是一个活泼开朗,乐观健谈的姑娘,实际上,她却隐藏了一个秘密,儿时的一个诡异梦境至今依然纠缠和困扰着她,令她屡次失去理智,痛苦不堪,而这个秘密只有她最好的朋友祁雪儿(杨凯迪 饰)知晓。为了帮助赵子雨,雪儿找来了研究心理学的教授白书和(杜玉明 饰)。 在一场可怕的意外中,林木(鹿凌桀 饰)失去了双腿,后半生都要在轮椅上度过。这突如其来的灾难让林木陷入了抑郁质中,无法走出痛苦与悔恨。林木暗恋着赵子雨,但考虑到自己的处境,他当然是选择了将这份感情深深的埋藏在心底。林木的姨妈将这一切都看在眼里,于是找来了赵子雨,希望后者能够帮助林木重新找到生活的信心。
The main character, a young surgeon (avid consumer of red apples), excellent professional, inflexible with respect for moral norms, are in a constant struggle with indifference and ignorance of his fellow men, with their littleness of soul, the director of the hospital obtuseness and careerism. Red Apples exactly expresses the conflict between talent, professional dedication, respect the Hippocratic Oath, the protagonist came face to face with mediocrity, sufficiency and careerism of brothers who, at any cost, want to move into professional and social ladder. Rise young doctor Mitica Herod assigned to a provincial hospital, the doctor makes Mitroi prototype capped professional character, to see jeopardized the director of the hospital. Mitica (enthusiastic, charismatic and convincing in the role of actor Mircea Diaconu) makes no promises in relation to his superior, which always reminds him of his mission, the function they represent. Ignore the so-called "social conveniences" and not promising in addressing hospital and patients. Well-meaning and lucid, ready for personal sacrifices, he believes that the world has only one real enemy: death, which, unfortunately, it always fails defeat. "I was preoccupied, primarily, grammatical problems of the profession. It is true, perhaps the film has a kind of enthusiasm that I have not found then. I wanted to be a human story and I think it came out as such. and that is true not consider it a merit, but a prerequisite. I never wanted to do "red Apples" true or less true. I did as I felt. "Alexander Tatos
21-22赛季西甲第25轮 皇家马德里VS阿拉维斯