We all have fantasies about fixing our lives once and for all, risking their all and getting away with it. This is the story of a group of youngsters who, as well as fantasize, get down to work. No plans of any kind and nothing to grab onto, this is how
刘亚彩(周海媚 饰)自幼被卖给大地主关学儒(关海山 饰)的四子为童养媳,在关家饱受欺凌的她,幸而遇上关家二公子关天荫(张兆辉 饰),情投意合的二人,却因命运的作弄,难圆鸳鸯美梦。
幼时的一场意外让瀚宇(陈晓东 饰)结识了慕妍(唐艺昕 饰),两人之间产生了纯洁的感情,他们是彼此为自己最信赖的朋友,之后,他们踏上了各自的人生旅途,再无交集。在一场慈善晚会中,瀚宇和慕妍再度相遇,曾经懵懂的感情升华成为了炙热的爱情,屡遭命运戏弄的两人终于跨越了千山万水走到了一起。
一对情侣通过各自与别人睡觉来巩固他们俩的关系。《准许》由Brian Crano自编自导,影片的主人公安娜(丽贝卡;豪)和威尔(丹 ;史蒂文斯)是一对多年的情侣,他们是初恋情人、又都是对方的初吻和第一次,关系十分稳固,但又缺乏激情。 安娜三十岁生日派对上,威尔准备求婚,但被他们喝醉的朋友打断,朋友醉醺醺的建议他们先别急着结婚、安定下来,而是去外面看看其他的;风景。说者无意,听者有心,安娜真的心动了,于是和威尔商议开始;实验 :即在一夫一妻框架下,自由与其他人发生性关系。
A US submarine runs into a time rift. A special unit goes on a mission to see what’s on the other side. They find themselves in an alternate dystopian America, now a one-man dictatorship. They decide to help the rebels.
为了培养出忠实效忠于成人、在逆境中坚忍不拔的青少年一代,日本政府出台《BR》法案。每年都从全国学校随机抽出一个班级的同学,前往荒岛进行生存极限挑战——老师发给学生地图、粮食和各式武器,令他们自相残杀,直到存活下来的最后一个,才能离开荒岛。接下来,残酷的游戏规则和令人绝望的生存条件,使班级里的年轻人开始了相互杀戮。善良或者凶残,主动出击或者被动防守, 同学们开始了各自的计划,人性的丑恶在血腥的死亡中暴露无遗。 大逃杀的游戏在荒岛上壮烈上演。究竟学生们的宿命如何,谁才是最后的存活者。
After a mysterious accident at a research camp on the Isle of Gran Manan, a CEO hires a team of blue-collar mercenaries to extract his daughter, a scientist working at the camp. Upon arrival, the team soon learns that not only is the island surrounded by a wormhole that causes time to reset every three days, but it's also crawling with hideous monsters. As they learn more about the nature of time, space, and the creatures on the island, they quickly realize that death may be the easiest way to escape the island.