八十年代,苏联国内的毒枭从美国大量进口毒品,上尉德戈(阿诺·施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)奉命捉拿乔治亚毒贩集团,然而在围捕行动中,德戈战友身亡,毒贩头目逃脱出国。不久,在美国芝加哥,苏联毒贩维特落网,美苏两国达成协议,德戈由莫斯科赴美押送维特回国,美国方面派出警探雷塞克(詹姆斯·贝鲁什 James Belushi 饰)担任其助手和翻译。不料维特再次在同伙的配合下成功逃脱,德戈至此不得不向美国方面吐露了维特的真实身份,并与雷塞克合力追踪维特。苏美两国的差异在德戈和雷塞克身上不时体现,然而两员悍将很快弥合差异,精诚合作追索毒枭……
Starz续订《权欲》第六季,该季首播集将由Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson负责执导。
由真实事件改编,影片讲述了70-90年代这20年中西西里的黑帮发展史,电影以黑色喜剧的口吻嘲讽着黑帮大佬们,并凸显反黑英雄们的光辉事迹。全片的主线以阿图罗,一个在巴勒莫长大的男孩,要赢得心爱女孩弗洛拉的芳心而展开。 看海报便知,影片虽然讲述的是黑手党,但风格却是无比的清新可爱。少年的成长与黑帮的演变同时进行,阿图罗的生活深受黑手党和时局的变化所影响,但通过孩子的双眼,一切都变得饶有趣味而又不乏深思。 影片曾获大卫奖最佳新人导演奖,以及欧洲电影奖最佳喜剧片提名。
9月8日 22-23赛季欧冠小组赛第1轮 马德里竞技VS波尔图
Tasha has the perfect house, a loving husband and a beautiful little girl. Her life could be perfect if it wasn't for Jen, her husband's ex-wife who just won't leave them alone.
The plot of the film sees a U.S. military veteran — Sergeant Rick Pedroni — return home changed and dangerous after a tour of duty in Afghanistan where he suffered an attack by a mysterious force. While officials dismiss his behavior as PTSD, and order trauma therapy, Rick's wife Kate discovers her husband has been possessed by a malevolent spirit. Kate has to race against time to unmask the truth and save her husband from the evil force.