Netflix目前已经敲定三部独立电影。这些片子的成本都在200万美元以下,Netflix会出大约为它们成本120%-130%的价格购买这些电影的全球发行权,并且很可能会投资电影制作项目本身。影片在影院上映30天之后,就会被放到 Netflix平台上播放。 这三部电影类型各不相同,分别为剧情片、歌舞片、恐怖片。它们的共同点是都没有知名卡司。除了剧情片《The Most Hated Woman In American》中会有曾获奥斯卡最佳女配角的梅丽莎·里奥出演,其他两部片子的主演多是相对不太知名的电视剧演员。
Walking home from work one night, Thana, a mute seamstress in New York City's Garment District, is raped at gunpoint in an alley by a mysterious, masked attacker. She survives and makes her way back to her apartment, where she encounters a burglar and is raped a second time. Thana bludgeons this second assailant to death with an iron. She then keeps his .45 caliber M1911A1 pistol, dismembers the burglar's body, puts the pieces into plastic garbage bags and gradually disposes of them in various locations throughout the city. She begins to have frequent nightmares and hallucinations of the first assailant stalking her, and her mental stability begins to dim. Thana is noticed by a man while she is disposing of one of the bagged body parts; retrieving the bag, he chases and frightens her. Fearing another sexual assault, she fatally shoots him. This event furthers her impulse for vengeance. Gradually, Thana transforms her appearance to bee a more and more seductive bait, and sets out to kill any man who annoys her. Near the end of the film, she dons a nun's habit and red lipstick to attend a Halloween party with her boss and co-workers. Her boss tries to take advantage of her and is killed; Thana then begins a shooting spree and targets all the men present. Finally she is stabbed by a female colleague.
罗杰(加里·格兰特 Cary Grant 饰)是个平凡的广告商人,最近却莫名其妙的惹了一身的麻烦——他被别人错认成一名叫“凯普林”的人,还被人灌醉放进车中,意图造成车毁人亡,命大的罗杰却顺利逃过这一劫。这个离奇的经历让罗杰又后怕又好奇,为了证明自己的清白,他非要找出真正的 “凯普林”不可。
青木祐子的大人气漫画原作《これは経費で落ちません》!改编电视剧。 在肥皂制造商会计部工作的单身女性森若沙名子(多部未华子 饰),一丝不苟地对所有的收据以及请款书都一一确认。在谨慎确认发票内容的过程中,也慢慢察觉到与经费相关的人们的烦恼。于是某天,营业部的王牌山田太阳(重冈大毅 饰)拿着4800円的章鱼烧收据来要钱,面对如此没道理的请款 她自然作出反击,然而却引起了山田对她的兴趣,让不擅恋爱过于严肃的女人的人生发生改变。 其他还有伊藤沙莉、平山浩行、吹越满、桐山涟、松井爱莉、韩英惠、角田晃广、片濑那奈、茂吕师冈等人参与本剧。
ch3 Suthra和Oum因为一场意外相识,在争吵中两人的心慢慢走近,这时,Suthra发现Oum是自己仇人的女儿,于是对Oum展开了报复,最终Suthra能否放下仇恨直面自己的爱情吗