蝙蝠侠到底是什么样的?本片通过6个相互关联又独立成篇的短片,为观众带来一个真正的蝙蝠侠。 《轮到我了》:4个儿童用吹牛的方法描述心中的蝙蝠侠形象,但这时伤痕累累的蝙蝠侠突然出现在他们面前。 《身陷火线》:蝙蝠侠送来一位犯人, 2位探员负责将犯人押解到监狱,不想路上碰到两个黑帮火拼,蝙蝠侠适时出现了。 《亲身历行》:蝙蝠侠有了新装备——卢修•福克斯为蝙蝠侠设计了一个防弹衣。这本该完美的设计,却给蝙蝠侠带来了苦恼。 《不见天日》:某宗教主教被绑架,幕后主使是蝙蝠侠的老对手稻草人。于是蝙蝠侠潜入下水道,与蜥蜴人、稻草人展开决斗。 《克服伤痛》:下水道的战斗令蝙蝠侠陷入伤痛与回忆之中,曾经一个印度女人教授布鲁斯•韦恩如何克服痛觉,现在,蝙蝠侠要自己去面对这一切。 《亡灵射手》:传奇杀手Deadshot受雇来到高潭市,蝙蝠侠再次出击
南太平洋瓦努阿图的坦纳岛上,年轻女孩瓦瓦(玛丽·瓦瓦 Marie Wawa 饰)爱上了部落首领的孙子戴恩(蒙哥奥·戴恩 Mungau Dain 饰)。可部落战争爆发时,她发现自己变成了休战的联姻“贡品”。违背家族意愿还是追随自己的内心,她必须做出选择。 影片荣获2015 年威尼斯影展国际影评人周单元最佳摄影奖,代表澳大利亚征战2016年奥斯卡最佳外语片,并入围前5强。
Stephen Arrowsmith (Paul Muller), a scientist experimenting with the possibility of regenerating blood through electricity has his home and laboratory in the castle owned by his wife Muriel (Barbara Steele). Arrowsmith finds her later having sex with a gardener and disfigures him with a hot poker and burns Muriel's face with acid before electrocuting both of them. Arrowsmith hides their hearts in an urn and then uses their blood to rejuvenate the aged servant Solange (Helga Liné). Later, Arrowsmith realizes that he is not Muriel's heir, but that the estate has been willed to her sister Jenny (Barbara Steele). Jenny is mentally unstable, and Arrowsmith marries her, later planning to have Solange drive her to the brink of sanity. Jenny begins having nightmares which include the sound of beating hearts and Muriel's voice urging her to murder Stephen. Arrowsmith brings Jenny to the doctor Derek Joyce (Marino Masé) who is convinced that supernatural forces are at work. Arrowsmith later tries to give Solange another blood transfusion, the doctor then discovers the hidden hearts of Muriel and the gardener. The two return as ghosts with Muriel burning Stephen alive while David reduces Solange to a skeleton by sucking her blood. The doctor and Jenny leave the castle and consign the two found hearts to a fire.