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  • 2020 6.0



  • 2019 3.0



  • 2023 10.0
  • 1997 8.0


    全港最受欢迎电视节目   《难兄难弟》   最佳剧中男主角演绎奖   罗嘉良《难兄难弟》   最佳剧中女主角演绎奖   关咏荷《苗翠花》   最佳感人恋情演绎奖   周海媚、林家栋《大闹广昌隆》   最佳惹笑冤家奖   欧阳震华、关咏荷《醉打金枝》   最厌恶角色演绎奖   马蹄露《真情》

  • 2023 4.0
  • 2017 8.0



  • 2015 8.0



  • 2018 3.0


    改编自英国小说家马丁艾米斯(Martin Amis)1989年作品《伦敦战场》。安柏赫德主演。  以英国伦敦为背景,讲述一个具有预知未来能力的美女,她与3个不同的男人周旋,然而她已预知,其中一个人将会谋杀她……

  • 1963 3.0


    A shadow warrior who is a mirror image of the real thing!  Was the one killed on the battlefield the real one or an imposter!  Yesterday's peasants are today's lords during the turbulent period of the Warring States period.  Anonosuke Ninomiya, the son of a poor local samurai in the province of Hida, also had a dream of becoming a great samurai.  One day, the military governor of the Ikemoto family suddenly arrives and offers to take Anosuke under his wing.  Three days later, Kyônosuke went to the Ikemoto family mansion and was surprised. He found two warriors who looked exactly like him.

  • 2010 5.0


      In the summer of ’76, as President Jimmy Carter pledges to give government back to the people, tensions run high in a working-class Philadelphia neighborhood where the Black Panthers once flourished. When Marcus returns—having bolted years earlier—his homecoming isn’t exactly met with fanfare. His former movement brothers blame him for an unspeakable betrayal. Only his best friend’s widow, Patricia, appreciates Marcus’s predicament, which both unites and paralyzes them. As Patricia’s daughter compels the two comrades to confront their past, history repeats itself in dangerous ways.  Night Catches Us masterfully reckons with the complexity of its characters’ revolutionary ideologies and internal desires. Bell-bottoms, Afros, potlucks, and Caddies set the scene as the film potently interweaves political media with an evocative soul-inspired score, summoning a vivid sense of place and time. The golden light that bathes characters’ faces seems to express the promise—and elusiveness—of the necessary change Marcus and Patricia struggle for so dearly—each by separate means.

  • 2015 10.0


    安静(白冰 饰)和安宁(娄艺潇 饰)是双胞胎姐妹,彼此之间感情十分要好,安静个性温柔可人,而安宁则恰恰相反,桀骜不驯的她骨子里流淌着向往自由的血液。父母离婚之后,安宁跟随着再娶的父亲来到了新家,不久之后,她有了一个妹妹安乐(刘雅瑟 饰)。然而,安乐十岁那年被人贩拐走,从此下落不明。  时间静默的流淌着,三个命途多舛的女孩渐渐长大。安静接连经历了两次失败的恋爱,心灰意冷的她开始自暴自弃,而安乐不幸落入了扒窃团伙的手中,被迫成为了他们的“工具”。只有安宁,在面对无数的失败和挫折之时依旧坚强韧性,始终乐观向上的她能否找到属于自己的天空?

  • 2024 1.0



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