“Shall we go on a trip?” Jin-wook and So-ri couple have been dating for 6 years. So-ri randomly suggests that they should go on a trip along with her best friend Mi-ra and her boyfriend. It is because she promised with Mi-ra before that the four should go on a trip together once Mi-ra has a boyfriend. Jin-wook does not feel comfortable with her plan because he has not been interested in So-ri’s friend at all and has not had a meal even once with the friend together so far. However, he unwillingly decides to go on the trip. As Jin-wook heard that Mi-ra and her boyfriend would prepare all of camping equipment and fishing gadgets, he really does not prepare anything. He only packs the reading material for his thesis in his backpack so that he can work on the thesis that he has been preparing for the last few years continuously. While So-ri was not happy with Jin-wook who has been complaining about every single thing, she is surprised to see how sweet Mi-ra’s boyfriend is. Also, So-ri becomes tired of Jin-wook’s immature behaviors. Mi-ra’s boyfriend Gyeong-hoon has prepared everything for the camping trip including the tent rental, fishing, and cooking. He is just a perfect guy with such a considerate manner towards his girlfriend Mi-ra. Jin-wook, unhappy with the situation, makes a sarcastic comment about Gyeong-hoon for working as a DJ at a club. From Jin-wook’s point of view, Gyeong-hoon is nothing compared to his career as a teaching assistant, who is preparing for his master’s degree at the age of 35. Because So-ri feels sorry for not preparing anything for the trip, she helps Gyeong-hoon cooking the meal diligently, while Mi-ra, who is hypocritical often, stays inside their tent along with Jin-wook and shares her secret personal stories with him.
第一季主要讲述巴尔的摩市警察对巴克斯戴尔贩毒集团的调查。 调查全因警探吉米·麦克纳提而起。在对迪安吉拉·巴克斯戴尔的庭审中,关键证人临时翻供,使得迪安吉拉成功脱罪。庭后,麦克纳提向法官丹尼尔·费兰透露,目击证人可能是受到被告的舅舅——伊旺·巴克斯戴尔手下人的威胁才被迫改了口,因为他在庭审现场看到了伊旺的副手斯丁格·贝尔以及其他几名团伙成员。麦克纳提还告诉费兰法官,巴克斯戴尔团伙涉嫌大宗毒品交易以及多宗谋杀悬案,但没有人调查他们的犯罪行径。 费兰法官于是向警察局高层抱怨,令高层倍感尴尬,于是他们责令组建一支专案组对巴克斯戴尔进行调查。但是高层并非真心想调查该案,而只是为了敷衍法官。一场博弈在希望侦办此案的警官与阻挠侦查的上司间展开,而专案组的指挥官塞德里克·丹尼尔斯则夹在中间,进退两难。 同时,巴克斯戴尔团伙内部也有矛盾。另外他们同以抢劫毒贩为生的奥马...
电视动画片《甜蜜惩罚~我是看守专用宠物》改编自いづみ翔原作的同名漫画作品。该片由Magic Bus负责制作,分为普通版与完全版。普通版于2018年4月2日至6月25日在TOKYO MX首播,完全版由Anime Festa独家发布。