Devon Butler is an eight-year old who dreams of being a cop. He watches police TV shows, knows police procedures, and plays cops and robbers with his friend Ray. One day, while snooping around in a warehouse, he witnesses a murder. He goes to the police
The drama of escaping from a ruthless dictatorship told through photographs and short text messages on the plan’s progress and incessant fear of exposure. Realistic sounds of the surroundings present various environments in which fears of being arrested build up.
If you are a train aficionado, you cannot miss On the Train—it captures from the birth to the last moment of the railway, 98.2 kilometers long and opened in 1992, crossing southern Taiwan. The virtue of this film lies in meeting the people who have been involved with this railway and having them rewrite the history of trains through their mouth. The film diligently collects the...
由于发现新能量资源而建造的巨大海上都市・拜伦市。在那裡经营著一家小公司的青年・シュウ。因为过度挥洒金钱导致生活贫困。感到担心而前往他那事务所兼自家的一名少女・キサラ。她在拜伦市就读高中的同时也包办了工作的事务内容以及家事。另外还有一个人,身为 シュウ 过去公司的前辈同时也是前女友的 アヤノ,我也十分担心著她。围绕在漂浮于太平洋上人工岛屿所发生稍微不寻常关系三人的吵闹恋爱喜剧正式开幕!