BBC Two announces that shooting has begun on series two of detective comedy Vexed, starring Toby Stephens (Jane Eyre, Robin Hood, Cambridge Spies) who reprises his role as D.I. Jack Armstrong, paired with Miranda Raison (Spooks, Merlin, Married Single Other) who plays newly promoted D.I. Georgina Dixon. Vexed is being filmed in Dublin, Eire, and comprises six 60-minute episodes to air later this year. The series is created by Howard Overman (Misfits) with episodes written by Chris Bucknall, James Wood, Steve Coombes and Harry & Jack Williams. Also returning from series one are Roger Griffiths (Holby City, Chef) and Ronny Jhutti (Survivors, Ideal) with Nick Dunning (The Iron Lady, The Tudors) joining to play Georgina’s father. D.I. Jack Armstrong (Stephens) has a new partner in the shape of D.I. Georgina Dixon (Raison). Armstrong is charming, disorganised and prone to laziness so it comes as no surprise that sparks fly when he’s partnered with the ambitious and highly efficient Dixon. Jack’s best friend, café-owner and ex-cop Tony (Griffiths) and colleague Naz (Jhutti) complete the crime solving team. Episode one sees the duo tackle the murder of a cocky car salesman, but things are not quite as they seem. Chris Sussman, Executive Producer for the BBC, says: "We’re very much looking forward to the return of Vexed. The second series promises to be just as much fun as the first, and with Miranda Raison joining Toby Stephens as new partner D.I. Dixon, we’re hoping it’s going to be all guns blazing." Jill Green, Executive Producer, Eleventh Hour Films, adds: “In a recession we need shows that make us laugh, and that’s where Vexed fits in - a perfectly distinctive ‘yin yang’ take on modern day life.” Vexed has been commissioned by Cheryl Taylor, Controller of Comedy Commissioning and Janice Hadlow, Controller of BBC Two. It is an Eleventh Hour Films production, executive producers are Chris Sussman for the BBC and Jill Green for Eleventh Hour Films. Produced by Eve Gutierrez for Eleventh Hour Films and Directed by Ian FitzGibbon (eps 1-3) and Kieron J. Walsh (eps 4-6).
《街霸之春丽传奇》根据Capcom的经典游戏《街头霸王》改编。 黑帮老大拜森(尼尔·麦克唐纳 Neal McDonough 饰)拥有无限的权力,名下的黑暗组织掌管着曼谷的所有贫民窟,由专横且嗜杀成性的巴洛克(迈克·克拉克·邓肯 Michael Clarke Duncan 饰)监管。其他爪牙有面具杀手维加(特布 饰);美丽而性感的毒碣子康塔娜(何超仪 饰)。拜森的魔爪伸向了春丽(克斯汀·克鲁克 Kristin Kreuk 饰)的父亲。父亲在自己面前被折磨得死去活来,她却无能为力,决定放弃了雍容华贵的舒适生活,师从元(仇云波 饰)习武,希望有朝一日,成为街头战士,保护身边每一个人。国际刑警查理(克里斯·克莱因 Chris Klein 饰)不惜走遍全世界,搜集罪证将拜森庞大的犯罪网络一网打尽。另外,专门调查黑社会凶杀案的警探玛雅(穆恩·布拉得古德 Moon Bloodgood 饰)也从旁协助。他们组成一面不可跨越的正义之墙。一场美与丑、明与暗、善与恶的斗争即将展开......
深夜赶路的女学生田晓娇惊愕地发现一个外表丑陋,令人恐怖的“白色幽灵”在坟地中诡异地向她招手。恐惧万分的她连滚带爬夺命而逃,最终慌不择路被“白色幽灵”围猎在荒野草丛中,发出绝望的哀嚎! 三年后尹大宝欢天喜地的把田晓娇娶进门。婚后第二天深夜,尹大宝被一声凄惨的叫声惊醒,当年纠缠田晓娇的“白色幽灵”找上门来了! 去了医院,才了解到田晓娇患有精神分裂症已多年,她为了和大宝结婚而隐瞒了病情。 大宝起初愤怒怨……
故事发生在十字军东征时期,罗宾(凯文·科斯特纳 Kevin Costner 饰)身陷囹圄,带着两个狱友,罗宾杀死了警卫,成功越狱。途中,一个狱友不幸死去,临终时,他将遗物交给罗宾,托付他务必将此带给他的妹妹玛利亚(玛丽·伊丽莎白·马斯特兰托尼奥 Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio 饰),而另一位狱友亚森(摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰)则成为了罗宾最坚定忠诚的战友。 一次偶然中,落难的罗宾在森林中遭遇了一伙由穷人所组成的强盗,罗宾凭借着自己的勇气和智慧感化了他们,并且彻底放弃了自己原有的身份,和穷人们一起奋战,对抗残暴的统治者,而受到打击的统治者们当然不会对此坐视不管,一场恶战即将拉开序幕。
剧情简介:以下文字摘自伊甸园,转载请注明出处。 有这么一位护士,她另类不羁,做事独断独行 她对忽视自己的建议而害死病人的自大医生冷嘲热讽,挖苦揶揄,不肯罢休 她会从一个刺杀妓女的男人身上偷出钱来救济他人 她也会为一个刚死的病人伪造器官捐赠卡 她还把病人掉下来的耳朵冲进下水道 更糟的是,她更嗑药成瘾,为了拿到药,不惜与药剂师OOXX... 这便是Jackie护士,一位极有性格的干练护士 而在这所纽约的医院里,并非是医生大过天,在这里,护士也能当家做主,不可或缺。 Showtime今年夏天推出黑色医务剧《护士当家》(Nurse Jackie),继《倒错人生》(United States Of Tara)之后,Showtime再度从女性视角出发,深度探讨生命无常及人生的无奈,带来了一出黑色又糜烂的喜剧。 该剧特别邀请到荣获艾美奖和金球奖的Edie Falc...
A film adaptation of a play made by a high school drama club, directed by Yamashita Nobuhiro of Linda Linda Linda (2006). It’s essentially a coming-of-age film about teenagers made by teenagers. During summer vacation, at a high school, the PE teacher makes female students who skipped his class clean the outdoor swimming pool. The drained pool is full of sand blown in from a ne...