美君(梅艳芳 饰)、秦哥(刘德华 饰)、小村(钟镇涛 饰)是城市雇佣兵。美君和秦哥青梅竹马,两人情投意合。而后来加入的小村也深爱着美君,美君对两人摇摆不定。美君执行任务,将老鹰双眼弄瞎。老鹰临死前让他的徒弟银狐(郭富城 饰)替其报仇。银狐追杀美君,小村为救美君而死,临死前将他的妹妹惠香(叶蕴仪 饰)托付给秦哥照顾,而银狐的一只眼睛也被美君弄瞎。美君为了不连累秦哥,独自远走高飞。而秦哥则带着惠香,到处寻找美君的踪迹。直到有一天,美君的姐姐美慧(梅艳芳 饰)欺骗秦哥说,现在美君改名换姓为宠物夫人,正在比武招亲。秦哥赢了众人,才得知宠物夫人(刘嘉玲 饰)并非美君,只能拒绝和宠物夫人成婚,独自离去。后来他终于发现了美君的踪迹,然而此时银狐再次追杀上门。美君更中了银狐的“恐怖天使”毒药,24小时内即将毒发,而天下能解此毒的只有宠物夫人。秦哥只能抱着美君回去找宠物夫人.......
Fraught with over obvious symbolism, Hartley's early feature is nonetheless a joy to watch. Hal here shows us his uncanny ability to cast his characters perfectly came early in his career. Adrienne Shelley is a near perfect foil to herself, equal parts annoying teen burgeoning in her sexuality (though using sex for several years); obsessed with doom and inspired by idealism gone wrong she is deceptively – and simultaneously – complex and simple. Her Audrey inspires so many levels of symbolism it is almost embarrassingly rich (e.g., her modeling career beginning with photos of her foot – culminating her doing nude (but unseen) work; Manhattan move; Europe trip; her stealing, then sleeping with the mechanics wrench, etc.) As Josh, Robert Burke gives an absolutely masterful performance. A reformed prisonerpenitent he returns to his home town to face down past demons, accept his lot and begin a new life. Dressed in black, and repeatedly mistaken for a priest, he corrects everyone (I'm a mechanic), yet the symbolism is rich he abstains from alcohol, he practices celibacy (is, in fact a virgin), and seemingly has taken on vows of poverty, and humility as well. The humility seems hardest to swallow seeming, at times, almost false, a pretense. Yet, as we learn more of Josh we see genuineness in his modesty, that his humility is indeed earnest and believable. What seems ironic is the character is fairly forthright in his simplicity, yet so richly drawn it becomes the viewer who wants to make him out as more than what he actually is. A fascinatingly written character, perfectly played. The scene between Josh and Jane (a wonderful, young Edie Falco . . . You need a woman not a girl) is hilarious . . . real. But Hartley can't leave it as such and his trick, having the actors repeat the dialogue over-and-over becomes frustratingly arty and annoying . . . until again it becomes hilarious. What a terrific sense of bizarre reality this lends the film (like kids in a perpetual am notare too argument). Hartley's weaves all of a small neighborhood's idiosyncrasies into a tapestry of seeming stereotypes but which delves far beneath the surface, the catalyst being that everyone believes they know what the unbelievable truth of the title is, yet no two people can agree (including our hero) on what exactly that truth is. A wonderful little movie with some big ideas.
WOWOW开台25周年企划翻拍自人气同名美剧《铁证悬案(Cold Case)》,日本版将原先故事背景由美国费城移往日本神奈川县,讲述女警石川百合(吉田羊 饰)和她的小组重新发掘,分析证据,侦破多年以前发生的种种悬而未破的罪案,将真凶绳之以法,还受害者及家属以正义的故事。
Zee(娜塔莉·伊曼纽尔 饰),一个神秘而臭名昭著的刺客,在巴黎黑社会中被称为“死亡女王”,令人闻风丧胆。在她的神秘导师兼经纪人Finn(萨姆·沃辛顿 饰)派遣的任务中,Zee拒绝在巴黎一家夜总会杀死失明的年轻女子Jenn(戴安娜·西尔弗斯 饰)。这使得她和Finn反目,同时也引起精明的警探Sy(奥玛·西 饰)的注意,并使她陷入一场与自己的过去发生冲突的邪恶犯罪阴谋。
11月,即将到来的全球最大购物活动之一“黑色星期五”前夜 发生了一起世界知名电商网站的快递箱爆炸事件 很快,这起事件演变成了让整个日本陷入恐慌的连续爆破事件 巨大物流仓库的新任主管·舟渡艾蕾娜(满岛光 饰) 和团队经理·梨本孔(冈田将生 饰)一同应对这场前所未有的危机 如何 才能阻止这个遍布全球绝对无法停止的现代社会生命线的连续爆破事件 当谜题被解开时,这个世界所隐藏真面目将浮出水面。