在北京工作的台湾动画设计师陆飞(陈柏霖 饰)平静的宅生活被一名醉酒女孩冉静(王珞丹 饰)打破,从一次两人都很被动的借宿事件开始,空姐冉静似乎对这位抱持“不恋爱主义”的木讷大男孩产生了兴趣,几次接触后,冉静带着大包小卷以及数不清的“共同居住”规则分享了陆飞的居所,陆飞自在的单身状态宣告终止,心有不甘之余却又渐渐适应了在冉静的督促照顾下生活工作,后者的到来,更使陆飞因久无灵感而搁浅的动画创作出现了转机。陆飞还未来得及细细体味爱情的甜蜜,一场变故迫使他做出改变两人生命轨迹的抉择…… 本片根据网络小说《和空姐同居的日子》改编。
Recipient of the 2007 Golden Globe Award for Best Drama Television Series and multiple Emmy nominations, including Outstanding Drama Series for the past two years, "Grey's Anatomy" returns to the ABC Television Network for its fifth season. Is "happily ever after" possible for Meredith Grey and Derek "McDreamy" Shepherd? With Meredith experiencing a breakthrough in therapy - the realization that she and Derek can be extraordinary together, rather than ordinary apart -- she and Derek now face the highs and lows of being a committed couple. Continuing their first year as residents at Seattle Grace Hospital, Meredith, Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens and Alex Karev have interns of their own to mentor, including Meredith's half-sister, Lexie Grey. Lexie has become a roommate and confidante to George O'Malley, who, after divorce with Callie, a breakup with Izzie, and learning that he failed his residency test by only one point, is striving to get both his professional and personal life back on track. After attending to his girlfriend Rebecca's mental illness on his own, and revealing that he had gone through this with his own mother, Alex finds solace in Izzie's arms. Alex must continue through this difficult time, whether or not Izzie remains by his side. Cristina, having finally won out over her tough-as-nails mentor, Erica, is back on track as a surgeon - but is there a chance for new love in her life as well? With the encouragement of Mark "McSteamy" Sloan, Dr. Callie Torres has taken a chance on love with cardiothoracic surgeon, Erica Hahn; now, she and Erica must figure out what happens after the first kiss. Overseeing the residents is the no-nonsense Chief Resident, Miranda Bailey. Facing marital troubles and the difficulty of balancing her work and personal life, Bailey has handed her responsibilities as head of the free clinic over to Izzie. Also striving for balance is Chief of Surgery, Richard Webber, who has reunited with his estranged wife, Adele. The doctors of Seattle Grace Hospital deal with life-or-death consequences on a daily basis - it's in one another that they find comfort, friendship and love. Together they're discovering that neither medicine nor relationships can be defined in black and white. Real life only comes in shades of grey. "Grey's Anatomy" stars Ellen Pompeo as Meredith Grey, Patrick Dempsey as Derek Shepherd, Sandra Oh as Cristina Yang, Katherine Heigl as Isobel "Izzie" Stevens, Justin Chambers as Alex Karev, T.R. Knight as George O'Malley, Chandra Wilson as Miranda Bailey, James Pickens, Jr. as Richard Webber, Sara Ramirez as Callie Torres, Eric Dane as Mark Sloan, Chyler Leigh as Lexie Grey, and Brooke Smith as Erica Hahn.
威尔(休·格兰特 Hugh Grant 饰)是一个伦敦的有钱人。他继承了父亲的遗产,终日吃喝玩乐,游戏情场。然而,他内心却有着空虚和孤独。为了能够认识更多的女人,他想到了单亲家长会。那里单亲妈妈众多,他必然能游刃有余。带着这个目的,他假扮成单亲爸爸,加入了单亲家长会。 马克斯(尼古拉斯·霍尔特 Nicholas Hoult 饰)的母亲也是家长会里的成员。母亲每天早晨醒来,都会开始沮丧、落泪,想自杀。马克斯家庭不幸,加上常常受人欺负,身处劣境的他寄希望于威尔,把威尔当作可依赖的对象。他经常造访威尔家,坐在威尔身边默默的看电视。起初这一切让威尔觉得十分打扰。但是慢慢的,两颗孤独的心开始找到依靠,威尔和小男孩之间的友谊渐渐升温。
“捣练图”是唐代名画中的极品,一个偶然机会这幅流散民间多年的国宝落在了管青山(佟小虎 饰)手上,这下可让觊觎它已久的各路人马算计起来。江湖大盗九尾狐差人送信指名盗宝,而管青山则要在两日后的“赏画大会”后将此画尽快出手,因怕夜长梦多,他想请天下镖局护镖。飞燕(吴晓敏 饰)认为此镖风险太大,不敢冒然应允,可王振威(周群达 饰)禁不住此镖利润巨大,决意护镖,双方立下字据,镖额五十万两。王兆兴(姜大卫 饰)闻言九尾狐要盗此宝,善意提醒飞燕和王振威,并在管府布下天罗地网,以防不测,且发现管的女儿金凤(董丽丹 饰)举止有些异样。这时,管青山借故推迟一天开赏画大会,王兆兴心中生疑,他暗中监视管青山的行踪,不料发现了管青山的惊天秘密……