隋朝末年,隋将王世充的侄子王仁则(于承惠 饰)在督建河防工事时,杀死了起来反抗暴虐的神腿张,但令其儿子小虎子跳河逃离虎口。小虎子被少林僧人救起收入寺中后,为报父仇毅然削发为僧,法名“觉远”(李连杰 饰)。 王仁则的侍卫长遇见牧羊女白无瑕(丁岚 饰)后垂涎其美色,强行将其 抢回府并欲酒 后施暴,恰巧被只身前来报仇的觉远发现。在救白无瑕逃生的过程中,觉远因武功欠佳被王仁则刺伤,促使其回到少林寺后更加刻苦练功。后因觉远救援被王仁则追赶的李世民,少林寺遭遇劫难,觉远身上的责任更重一层。
故事根据民间传说“钟馗伏妖”故事改编。 每逢千年便有日食天象,届时更是昆仑山灵力最弱,阴气最盛之时。此时,昆仑山魔井开启,魔能涌出,万妖出动。 妖魔或附身于常人,夜间吸食人类阳气,被侵蚀的人们诡异而凶残;或化为人形捕食人类。恐怖灵异事件不断,你我之间难分人妖,人间如地狱般阴郁恐怖。 终南山进士钟馗不惧邪祟,与师傅一起斩妖除魔,却发现在妖身后,还有更惊人、更令人恐惧、更令他难以抉择的真相在等待着他……
A rom-com drama following the love story of a female socialite and a wealthy province man.
The first real film from a director who went on to do a lot of interesting work in the 1970's and 80's before his tragic death by drowning in 1986. An avowed homage to Eyes Without a Face, the film unquestionably creates its own atmosphere and goes in a very different direction from its more famous model. Mulot's film has great cinematography, an interesting script construction and a very melancholic mood that marks it out from most low budget shockers of the period. Although not a costume piece as such, it is probably closer to the classic Mill of the Stone Women than to Franju's film. The acting and direction are of a uniformly high standard. Anny Duperey and Philip Lemaire impart real depth to their characterizations and it's great to see Euro legend Howard Vernon once again. The film was sold as a mixture of sex and horror and the sex is provided by a bevy of stunning Euro babes including Valerie Boisgel and Michele Perello who went on to feature in Morgane et ses Nymphes before disappearing into the hinterlands of porn. Well worth more than a passing look for any fan of classy Euro horror, this one has probably improved with age and repays repeated viewings. Was the above comment useful to you?