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  • 2015 1.0



  • 1986 1.0


      蕾普莉(西格妮•韦弗 Sigourney Weaver 饰)是首次探险任务遇到异形后的唯一生还者,她一直冬眠直到被救援队救回地球。当她睁开眼睛后,才发现自己已经冬眠了57年!                                                                      期间,人类已经移居到了异形所在的星球。蕾普莉知道后,马上向当局报局该星球上异形的情况,但却被当局认为要么精神不正常,要么谎话连篇。蕾普莉见当局对她的说话不予理睬,便决心不再涉足和异形有关的

  • 1953 7.0


      描写19世纪四十年代俄罗斯伟大的杰出的思想家和文学批评家别林斯基一生追求真理,反对沙皇专制和农奴制度向敌斗争的伟大事迹。                                                                              十九世纪四十年代,是俄国农奴制度接替时期。当时反农奴主、反地主的自发性的家民暴动蔓延全国,沙皇尼古拉一世为了保持摇摇欲坠的王朝不被推翻,而对革命运动进行残暴的镇压。                                                                              沙皇的镇压并没有摧毁了俄国革命运动。相反地在俄国知识界里却涌现了大批的优秀的革命民主主义者参加并领导了反农奴制的解放运动。别林斯基就是其中杰出的领导者之一。                                                                              别林斯基通过他的批评文学、政论文学体无完肤的揭发了沙皇专制政体,农奴制度的腐朽,暴露了人民大众生活贫困的社会根源,并号召人民为解放事业斗争。                                                                              他在反对为艺术而艺术的反动文学和浪漫派的斗争中确立了文学应该是人民生活的再现,揭发反动统治的罪恶,反映人民的真实生活的现实主义文学的理论基础。促进了...

  • 2012 10.0


    U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens is a modern day 19th century-style lawman, enforcing his brand of justice in a way that puts a target on his back with criminals and places him at odds with his bosses in the Marshal service. That conflict results in a reassignment for Givens to the U.S. District covering the town where he grew up. He is an anachronism - a tough, soft spoken gentleman who finds his quarry fascinating, but never gives an inch. Dig under his placid skin and you'll find an angry man who grew up hard in rural Kentucky, with an outlaw father, who knows a lot more about who he doesn't want to be than who he really is.

  • 2007 9.0


    Season 4, Episode 1: Fun Run Original Air Date—27 September 2007 Michael accidentally runs over Meridith in the parking lot, and his guilt causes him to organize a 5-K run for her. Dwight and Angela have a falling-out after he kills her cat, and the Jim and Pam's relationship is discovered. Season 4, Episode 2: Dunder Mifflin Infinity Original Air Date—4 October 2007 Michael feels threatened when Ryan returns to the Scranton office to share his ideas about the future of Dunder Mifflin. Jim and Pam's relationship is shared with the entire office, while Angela and Dwight's relationship is on the rocks. Season 4, Episode 3: Launch Party Original Air Date—11 October 2007 The Dunder Mifflin Infinity website is launching and Michael is excited about going to the big launch party in New York while Angela plans a satellite party for the Scranton branch. Meanwhile, Dwight competes against the website to see who can sell the most paper in one day. Season 4, Episode 4: Money Original Air Date—18 October 2007 As Jan renovates the condo, Michael confronts his growing debt every way he can, which includes pressuring his employees for a loan. Pam and Jim spend a night out on Dwight's family farm, now a bed and breakfast. Season 4, Episode 5: Local Ad Original Air Date—25 October 2007 Michael tries to make a local Dunder Mifflin commercial that is better than the one the professional ad agency made for them. Meanwhile, Andy tries to confide in Dwight about his new relationship with Angela. Season 4, Episode 6: Branch Wars Original Air Date—1 November 2007 Michael and Dwight try to play a prank on Karen, who is now manager of the Utica branch, after she tries to steal Stanley from the Scranton office. Meanwhile, Pam, Toby, and Oscar start their own exclusive office book club. Season 4, Episode 7: Survivor Man Original Air Date—8 November 2007 After Michael isn't invited to a camping trip with Ryan, he sets out to prove that he can brave it out in the wilderness by himself. Jim, who is in charge of the office while Michael is gone, tries to change the birthday party policy. Season 4, Episode 8: The Deposition Original Air Date—15 November 2007 Michael is put in an awkward position when Jan sues Dunder-Mifflin for wrongful termination and he is deposed as a witness. Meanwhile, Kelly begins smack talking Pam after Darryl beats Jim at ping pong. Season 4, Episode 9: Dinner Party Original Air Date—10 April 2008 Michael invites Jim and Pam and Andy and Angela to a couples-only dinner party, which makes Dwight very jealous. However, the only thing he's missing is a ringside seat to witness Michael and Jan's extremely dysfunctional home life. Season 4, Episode 10: Chair Model Original Air Date—17 April 2008 Kevin and Andy team up to reclaim the stolen Dunder-Mifflin parking spaces, which forces them into a showdown with the other five bosses of the office park. Meanwhile, Michael becomes fascinated by a women modeling chairs in a catalog. Season 4, Episode 11: Night Out Original Air Date—24 April 2008 Michael and Dwight to to New York to party with Ryan, who is having lots of personal and professional problems. The rest of the office employees work late, and wind up getting locked in the business park. Season 4, Episode 12: Did I Stutter? Original Air Date—1 May 2008 Michael tries to figure out how to respond to Stanley's insubordination during a meeting, and Dwight buys Andy's vehicle and immediately flips it for more money. Season 4, Episode 13: Job Fair Original Air Date—8 May 2008 Dunder-Mifflin participates in a high school job fair, but few students are interested. Jim, Andy, and Kevin play a round of golf with a prospective client. Back at the office, everyone but Dwight and Angela leave for the day. Season 4, Episode 14: Goodbye, Toby Original Air Date—15 May 2008 Michael throws an extravagant going-away party for Toby, and falls in love with the woman who is replacing him. Jim plans to propose to Pam at the party, but gets out-staged. Back at corporate, Ryan is arrested for fraud.

  • 2019 5.0


    正值奥多维亚圣诞节时期,王室宝宝就要出生了!安布尔和理查德接待了来自遥远国家的王室成员,目的是延续古老的休战协定,但当长达 600 年的重要条约消失时,和平危在旦夕,一个古老的诅咒威胁着他们的家族!

  • 2010 1.0



  • 1963 10.0



  • 2001 2.0


    布里奇特•琼斯(蕾妮•齐维格 饰)是一个32岁的单身女子。她的工作及生活都是平淡无奇的,她唯一想得到一份真挚的爱情,就算有一众好友在身边及时安慰,布里奇特还是没有好过点。新的一年里,她要过一种新的生活。她选择用日记把自己生活里的点点滴滴都记录下来,她开始变得喜悦起来。 这时在她与风流倜傥的上司丹尼尔•克里弗(休•格兰特 饰)产生了感情,丹尼尔原来早与女友订婚,使布里奇特伤心不已。高傲却真实的马克•达西(科林•菲尔斯 饰)也表示对她的爱慕之情。布里奇特周旋在两个男人之间,不知如何选择。

  • 2017 9.0


    女子高中生速川唯(黑岛结菜 饰)缺乏干劲,上课睡觉,对找男朋友没兴趣,而且是个大胃王,唯一的优点是跑得快。弟弟小尊(下田翔大 饰)与她相反,是个文弱的天才学生,他将仓库改装成研究室,发明了能够穿梭时空的机器。小唯无意中启动了时光机,穿越到战国,以“唯之助”的身份生存下去。她偶遇黑羽城的少主羽木九八郎忠清(健太郎 饰)并爱上了他。小唯决心以小士卒的身份伴其左右,改变少主死亡的历史命运。

  • 2004 8.0


    本剧集故事承接第一部剧情,讲述汉武帝刘彻(黄晓明饰)经过五年执政后进入他实施雄才大略阶段的故事。已坐稳皇帝宝座的刘彻,此时却触景生情,感慨当年亲如手足的兄弟们多已不在人世,唯一仍在人世的李勇(杜淳饰)却陷落匈奴手中,东方朔也一去不复返。   历经千难万险寻找李勇下落的秋蝉(刘芸饰),终于在匈奴找到他时却发现他已与匈奴公主成婚。汉武帝微服出游,邂逅长相酷似已逝的陈阿娇的歌伎李娃(何佳怡饰),不禁怜爱有加。不久李娃入宫成为刘彻的新宠。然而已为皇后的卫子夫(宁静饰)却预见陈阿娇的前车之鉴又要重演。汉武帝派汲黯(杨洪武饰)去寻访东方朔,无意间遇见了怀才不遇的狂士主父偃(王刚饰),认为是奇才,遂力荐主父偃入宫辅佐汉武帝。汉武帝听信谗言,将卫青(董勇饰)的兵权交给霍去病(李立饰)。

  • 2012 9.0





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