明嘉庆年间奸臣当道内忧外患地处浙江东南的松江县也时常遭到倭寇的劫掠,新任推事吴时来决心一定要铲除倭寇,解救松江人民于水火之中 不多日倭寇在首领多襄丸的带领下一路劫掠,烧杀抢夺,在吳時來的感召下,松江人民紛紛捐款捐物出錢出力, 面对即将攻城的倭寇,吴时来带领守城官兵和百姓共筑守城工事,并派人急求援军,同时制定倭寇攻城之时的计策。 次日,倭寇急攻松江城,用火药將松江西南城墙炸塌。倭寇疯狂的向城中沖來,吴时來急忙调集弓弩手集中箭支将倭寇射退。倭寇暂时退却,但城上的箭支已经所剩无几。 危难之时援军赶到,城中官兵百姓在吴时来的带领下同仇敌骇将倭寇一举歼灭。
肖恩(西蒙·佩吉 Simon Pegg 饰)事业不如意,爱情也不怎么顺心。认识了一帮同样游手好闲的朋友,整天和他们厮混,包括皮特,和只会打机和讨人厌的艾德。难得肖恩为了女朋友振作一次,却遭到同事嘲笑,女友也不能会意,肖恩只有继续和朋友醉酒纵乐。 但这天整个城市却有了翻天覆地的变化。僵尸入侵了,只要是被他们咬到的人,都会随之变成僵尸。而肖恩正和艾德在酒吧里豪饮,却发现陷入僵尸的重重包围中。现在肖恩必须拿出英雄气概,去捍卫家人朋友。
孤岛时期的上海滩。陆天尧表面上是一个活跃在法租界里的翩翩公子,英俊体面又有教养,实际上,他是一个小偷,他经常接受上流人士的委托,盗取珍贵之物,并且还替他们保守秘密。 一天, 一个神秘的委托人让他去商人...
This utterly gorgeous Gothic melodrama would be widely hailed as a masterpiece, had it not been made in Italy during the Mussolini regime. A gross injustice, as Malombra - unlike Piccolo Mondo Antico, Mario Soldati's earlier film of an Antonio Fogazzaro novel - contains not one moment of triumphalist flag-waving or Fascist family values. Oddly akin to Rebecca in its atmosphere of death-haunted romance and voluptuous doom, it reaches a peak of visual refinement of which Hitchcock could only dream. Its star is Isa Miranda (famous, and not without reason, as Italy's answer to Garbo and Dietrich) playing a headstrong but unstable young noblewoman, confined by her uncle to a gloomy villa on the shores of Lake Como. A yellowed and crumbling letter, found in an old spinet, convinces her that she is the reincarnation of her uncle's first wife - another troubled beauty who died a virtual prisoner after being caught in a forbidden love affair. When a handsome young writer (Andrea Checchi) comes to stay, Miranda decides that HE is the reincarnation of the dead woman's lover. Gradually, she lures him into her web of sex and revenge... What more to say without spoiling the fun Miranda gives a performance to rival any of the great divas of Hollywood. Only Davis and Stanwyck, perhaps, could play a bad girl so boldly without losing all sympathy. The evocation of 19th century aristocracy, in its full decadent splendour, is visually and dramatically flawless - a model for such later Italian gems as Visconti's Senso and The Innocent. It helped, perhaps, that Soldati himself was a leading novelist. Blessed with an absolute respect for the classics he adapted, but in no way inhibited by them. He was also the guiding spirit of the now-forgotten 'calligraphic' movement, which brought the Italian cinema to such wondrous aesthetic heights during World War Two, only to collapse before the horror of Neo-Realism. Can we blame Soldati for giving up film-making in disgust and going back to writing novels So if you've ever felt (as I do) that Rossellini's much-touted Rome - Open City is the work of an amateur...well, Malombra is the film you have to see!
At an ocean side village, many fishing boats never return from the high sea, and many of the women in the village assume they are widows when their husbands never return. One of them, Seongku, begins an affair with a coal worker.