This drama is set in a south Florida plastic surgery center, McNamara-Troy, centering around the two doctors who own it. Sean McNamara (Dylan Walsh) is having problems at home, trying to keep his family together, trying to patch up the rocky road him and his wife Julia (Joely Richardson) are experiencing. On the other hand, sex-craved Christian Troy (Julian McMahon) uses his charm to bring in potential female candidates and conducts shady business deals, often for the love of money. While Sean takes his job seriously, he often has to fix Christian’s mistakes. During the first season, Sean and Christian got mixed up with Escobar Gallardo, a Colombian drug lord who forced the two to do free surgery whenever he wanted them to. Sean’s marriage with Julia began to wear thin, and Sean had an affair with a patient named Megan O’Hara. Julia went back to school, but it was interrupted by a miscarriage of a child Sean and Julia were trying to have. Christian learned he is the father of a baby with a woman named Gina, who he met at Sexaholics Anonymous. When the baby was born, we learn that the baby is African-American, and therefore not his. Julia questions Matt’s paternity.
Olivier and James' romantic break in the South of France is interrupted by the sudden arrival of Caroline. Friendships are questioned; sexuality tested.
本片讲述了7个伊朗女性的悲惨故事。妇女从医院领到了尚在襁褓中的女儿,但是她并不开心,因为此前的超声波显示,她怀了一个男童,如今倒凤颠鸾,令她措手不及。当地重男轻女的风俗,令她如堕冷宫。刚出狱的女孩跟女伴到处找钱,历尽千辛万苦,凑齐了钱,却最终怯于踏上返乡的列车。未婚先孕的少女被哥哥扫地出门,在男友死亡后只得去做了人工流产,出狱后的中年女人发现男人已出轨。当了护士的女孩想方设法帮她,自己的婚姻却陷入僵局…… 本片获57届威尼斯电影节最佳影片金狮奖。
别名:感官中枢 / 幻影重现 一位年轻美丽的大学女生莱拉因天生具有超能力,而感应到了一场恶梦。原来此幻影是一女学生被杀于公寓中,凶手至今不明,莱拉一心想找出真凶一方面感于幻象,怀疑是教授所为,最后终于引来凶手,竟是...
阿正(张家辉 饰)天生天资聪颖、诡计多端,可惜他没有用上天赐予的才华干一番事业,而是与市井小混混阿井(钱嘉乐 饰)利用千术在江湖上骗吃骗喝。然而一次偶然,他们的行骗引发了一连串恶果:阿井的师傅被害死,钱庄孔老板的生意被彻底破坏,他的女儿更是沦落成了青楼的花魁。同时,因为阿井揭穿了当地“天下第一牙”的公证行的少爷阿麟(宣萱 饰)原来是女儿身,被迫与阿麟假成亲以保住公正行的名声和主持大局。 原来的江湖老千阿正摇身一变成了主持公正的公证行掌门,刚开始角色的变换令他很不适应。但是在阿井以及阿麟的帮助下,阿正凭着他的聪明才智和长年累月积累的江湖经验,揭穿了一系列老千犯案,而且在日久相处中,他更与阿麟产生了真感情……
《已读不回的恋人》(英语:See You in Time),2017年三立华人电视剧周日十点档系列的第四十二部作品,也是三立华剧第三部穿越剧,首部以“自行车”为主题的作品。本剧由钟承翰、蔡黄汝、小薰、...