在一家游泳馆里,喜欢画画的男生海清(陈彦名 饰)邂逅了职场精英言飞(王庭匀 饰)。海清对言飞一见钟情,而言飞不仅吻了海清,还将自己的联系方式留给了他。实际上,言飞已经有了一个交往多年的男友吉姆(林柏叡 饰),但很多事情的发生都显示着吉姆和言飞并不合适,言飞感到自己对吉姆的感情已经走到了尽头。
讲述了72岁的花样青春"末顺"(罗文姬 饰) 与从未听说过的孙女"小公主"(金秀安 饰)出现后开始的令人不可思议的同居故事。
A man goes against the laws of God and man to help a friend, with unfortunate consequences, in this stylish drama from Turkish filmmaker Dervis Zaim. The story begins with a brief prologue set in the 13th Century, in which a calligrapher is completing a copy of the Koran and his assistant is sent out for ink so he can complete the project before an invading Mongol army attacks. Moving forward into the 21st Century, Selim Hodja (Serhat Kilic) is a descendent of the family that commissioned the Koran we saw in the preface. Selim has fallen on hard times and he wants to sell the rare holy book, and he turns to Ahmet (Mehmet Ali Nuroglu), an artist and calligrapher who has just finished a stretch in prison, for help in finding a buyer. Not willing to negotiate the black market for religious artifacts by himself, Ahmet turns to Cengiz (Mustafa Uzunyilmaz), a feared man in local organized crime circles, who says he can help them find a good price for the rare Koran. However, as Selim and Ahmet work more closely with Cengiz and his underlings, they're drawn deeper into a web of criminal behavior that they can't easily escape. Nokta (aka Dot) received its North American premiere at the 2008 Toronto World Film Festival.
当朝太祖皇帝最喜爱的砚中极品“七星端砚”被劫,押镖的一干人马也命丧黄泉,而朝廷则传出话来,要镖局噤声,少镖主王振威(周群达 饰)闻言非常愤怒。李云聪(张智尧 饰)接马匪屠玉雄(叶鹏 饰)密报,他们要求释放在押重犯屠玉豹(蔡振汉 饰),否则毁掉端砚,并将此事诏告天下。这样一来,不但朝廷命官们受牵连,天下镖局也脱不了干系。王振威决定联合其他镖局解决此事,无奈摄于屠氏三雄淫威,没人敢出手相帮。王振威只好只身前往案发地河间,联手河间好友武林高手史大龙(尹天照 饰),但史碍于幼年时曾被屠家所救,不愿插手此事。沈飞燕赶来相帮,但几经交涉未果,生性正直的史大龙决定出手相帮……
劇場表演出身的瑞士女導演黛爾芬羅里賽,改編著名小說〈Year of the Drought〉的《地平線上.炙熱之夏》,描述1976年歐洲遭逢熱浪的夏天,13歲農場少年面對家庭崩毀、青春成長的生活變化。黛爾芬羅里賽以精湛的人性刻劃,講述一則告別童年與女性自覺的故事。看似風光明媚的鄉間風景,實則內蘊性別角力與死亡暗潮。曾演出蔡明亮《臉》的歐洲名模蕾蒂莎卡斯塔,在片中也展現洗盡鉛華的內斂演出。