最近出现了一起凶徒连环杀人案,最令人恶心的是,凶徒每次作案后都将被害者的喉咙割走。FBI探员威尔(爱德华•诺顿 Edward Norton 饰)负责此案的侦察,经过详细调查,威尔分析此人每次都是将被害者的喉咙割走吃掉,然而却没有找到任何凶徒的蛛丝马迹。威尔向患有精神病的犯罪心理学家汉尼拔(安东尼•霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)求助,希望汉尼拔能刻画出凶徒的犯罪心理以助破案。 不料汉尼拔精神病发,意图伤害威尔,最后被关进了精神病监狱,此案也就不了了之。多年后,威尔又遇到了一起相同的谋杀案。虽确定了犯罪嫌疑人,但若想清楚推敲出此人的犯罪心理,以将其乘之于法,威尔只好再次找到了汉尼拔。
Follows a tutor who, after being assigned an unexpected task at a mansion, finds himself struggling with the obsessions of his student, who threatens to expose his darkest secrets.
The poet Dante is lost in a dark and gloomy wood. At the summit of a mountain he sees the light of salvation. He endeavors to ascend to it, but his way is barred by three wild beasts, symbolizing Avarice, Pride and Lust. Beatrice sees his predicament and descends from Paradise into Limbo, where she asks the poet Virgil to rescue and guide Dante. Virgil knows another way to go, but this leads straight through the entire Inferno, before it continues towards Paradise. Virgil leads Dante to the portals of Inferno. Charon ferries them over the river Acheron, and then they start their journey downwards through the different circles of Inferno. Dante meets all kind of sinners and sees the never-ending punishments they have to undergo. The various punishments are adjusted to the different transgressions. Among the sinners Dante recognizes many persons he has met in Florence, when they were still alive. They tell him their sad stories and why they have ended here. At last Dante and Virgil ...