邓小龙(许冠英 饰)从小就为人正直、乐于助人,他的志愿就是长大了能当一名除暴安良的好警察。无奈天意弄人,他因身材矮小,而且天生色盲,于是被警局拒之了门外,他只好去保安公司当了一名护卫员。保安主管周世昌(许冠文 饰)是一名老油条,为人尖酸刻薄、贪生怕死。下属阿Sam(许冠杰 饰)一早就看他不顺眼,只是有冤无处申。 这次,公司的太子王平凡从国外留学回来,假扮保安混进了公司考察情况。不久阿Sam和小龙就因工作出色而获得提拔,而周世昌却被剥夺了主管之位降职任用,还有几个月就可以退休享受的他会为了退休金忍下这口恶气还是会另有所谋?
年轻貌美的温爱莲(郑文雅 饰)感情之路却颇多坎坷,她曾有过三位丈夫,电影明星邓理庆(姜大卫 饰)、黑帮老大汤德仁(王青 饰)和牧师朱锦春(黄百鸣 饰)。但三位丈夫皆遭横祸死去,空给妻子留下大笔财富。失意的温算命得知,她命中克夫,可作富婆,却难为人妻。三个鬼夫不忍见妻子孤单落寞,决定为其找一个如意郎君。 羽模伦(谭咏麟 饰)和谭冠(曾志伟 饰)是供职于电台的两个主
女程序员陆漓(祝绪丹 饰)追求职业理想,努力投身编程领域,凭借过硬简历和惊人智慧搞定学长姜逸城(邢昭林 饰),成功进入姜逸城建立的创业公司,还帮姜逸城摆平无数难缠相亲。陆漓和姜逸城因程序代码结缘,又在机缘巧合下成为同居室友。可爱女程序员和傲娇自恋总裁在相处中斗智斗勇触发心动代码,上演了一场温馨甜蜜的爱情罗曼史。
When a police constable, Nick Bentley, is shot by drug dealers while on foot patrol it seems like a pretty straightforward case. Brooks and Devlin eventually locate a witness who identifies one of the parties to the drug transaction and he finally tells the police what really happened. The witness also tells them something else: she saw another police constable standing in the ...
An impossible journey, all in the name of friendship. Based on a true story, The Greatest Beer Run Ever premieres September 30 in theaters and streaming on Apple TV . Chickie (Zac Efron) wants to support his friends fighting in Vietnam, so he does something wild—personally bring them American beer. What starts as a well-meaning journey quickly changes Chickie’s life and perspective. Based on a true story. Hailing from Skydance Media, screenplay is adapted by Peter Farrelly, Brian Currie and Pete Jones, and is based on the book The Greatest Beer Run Ever A Memoir of Friendship, Loyalty and War, by Joanna Molloy and John “Chickie” Donohue. Peter Farrelly as Director. Producers are David Ellison, Dana Goldberg and Don Granger on behalf of Skydance, with Andrew Muscato and Jake Myers. The booksource material became a New York Times best seller when it was published in 2020 and generated stories of this journey across a wide spectrum of media and news programming.