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别名: 宝宝巴士之奇妙汉字第一季


  该动画讲述的是聪明可爱的熊猫奇奇喜欢用奇妙汉字解决问题,然而总是阴差阳错地演变成各种出人意料的故事  展开全部

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  • 1917 5.0



  • 2008 7.0


    故事发生在1980年代的爱尔兰,来自内部的斗争正进行到了白热化的境地之中,整个国家都处于极度的紧张和紧绷之下。马丁(吉姆·斯特吉斯 Jim Sturgess 饰)是一名22岁的平凡青年,在接收了来自英国警方的训练之后,他孤身一人被派往了爱尔兰共和军内部,成为了一名卧底。                                                                      马丁的任务是从内部瓦解共和军,以及阻止共和军进行的恐怖活动。每一天,马丁都和死神相伴,只要有一个不小心便会有暴露身份的危险。为了获取敌人的信任,马丁经历了常人无法想象的折磨与磨难,最终顺利了打入了内部。可是好景不长,一场意外的发生让马丁的卧底身份暴露了,他不得不踏上了逃亡的旅途。

  • 2013 4.0


    Last Rights is a supernatural drama that explores the struggle of those who have answered an ad and accepted a deal from a man named Concord. Concord negotiates to allow access to Nirvana, where all worldly troubles disappear. In exchange, those who accept the deal must give him all of their possessions and stay in a house for one week. In the house are four caretakers who test each participant to see if they qualify for Nirvana or if they end up in the graveyard behind the house. The series explores and questions faith, morality, tolerance, and common sense; these are the tests of the caretakers. At the end of each week, Concord returns to the house to evaluate the test results of the participants to decide the fate of each guest and of the caretakers. Set in small town America, at the end of a charming little street. This house has stood here long before anyone can remember, or anyone can forget. It has it's own personality and once inside you truly understand what that means. Whole floors will appear and vanish, walls will move, and artifacts will be uncovered, all so the house can show you your purpose for being there. Not even the caretakers can truly understand or control the will of the house. It is truly the key to all the answers that the caretakers and guests are looking for. In season one, the house, which we find out, is possessed with the spirit of Concord's mother and Concord are waging a war of power to control the house. Caught in the middle are the guests as well as the caretakers. "Mother" and Concord alike will use these people as pawns to gain the upper hand. All this, as the caretakers try and conduct their "business as usual". Not to mention a graveyard full of spirits trying to get out. Everyone battling to keep their Last Rights!

  • 2021 2.0


    2022年地球收到一份来自未来的召唤:30年后的地球遭遇未知物种的攻击,面临灭种危机,为了拯救地球,丹(克里斯·帕拉特 饰)被招募为战士去到未来,支持地球上人类的最后一战。直到亲眼所见,丹才终于知道人类所面临的对手竟是是以人为食的残暴怪兽……… 关乎人类存亡的最后一场大战拉开帷幕......

  • 2022 8.0



  • 2022 4.0



  • 2022 5.0


      The tightly scripted world of a vlogger and influencer unravels as postpartum depression, a lack of support from those in her orbit, and her baby’s apparent hostility all mount

  • 2001 9.0



  • 2016 7.0


    影片讲述了男主人公牵牛(车太贤 饰)与新“野蛮”女友星星(宋茜 饰)从相恋到结婚的浪漫经历。星星是牵牛的小学初恋,由于韩语不流利常常被周围同学欺负。牵牛最初仍无法忘记分手离别的前任“她”,直到有一天,牵牛再次遇见初恋星星后,便不顾身边人的反对和她走进婚姻殿堂,没想到摆在他面前的却是超出想象的烦恼。

  • 2013– 6.0


    一家三姐妹,大姐二姐都是妈妈聚会时长脸的好谈资,而一到小女儿纯信(李智恩 饰)这,妈妈立马就脸色一变。这就是李纯信目前为止的人生。学习一般,长相一般,运气则不是一般的差,各种简历石沉大海,各种选拔落榜...

  • 2024 10.0
  • 2024 6.0



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