正在播放: 真情粤语 | 第508集
  • 影片: 真情粤语   正在播放: 第508集
  • 地区: 中国香港   类型: 香港剧   上映时间: 1995   语言: 粤语  
  • 评分: 🔥 3.0 导演: 徐遇安  
  • 主演: 李司棋,刘丹,薛家燕,关海山,蒋志光,苏玉华,郭少芸,刘少君,刘恺威,谭倩红,卢庆辉,张慧仪,黄智贤,罗霖,曾江,邝文珣,苑琼丹,郑子诚 更新时间: 2025-01-24

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  • 1983 7.0


    朱小凡见证了邻居男孩毕楚佳(伊绳祖、郑传文、钮承泽、庹宗华)的成长过程。   为了让小毕更好的成长,受骗怀孕又遭遗弃的毕妈妈(张纯芳)在他六岁时嫁给了从大陆到台的年近五十岁的公务员毕大顺(崔福生)。毕大顺对小毕视同己出,教他写字读书,准备把他培养成大学生。然而因为 被人看成“拖油瓶”,小毕与他的关系十分疏离,更不惜为了气他,做出偷漫画书、早恋、偷便当、和别人争强斗狠等举动。一件与钱有关的事,令毕大顺和小毕的关系降到最低点,毕妈妈在左右为难之际选择用极端方式激励小毕,让他看清更为丰硕的生命意义。

  • 2022 8.0



  • 2018 2.0
  • 2015 4.0


    Since 1977, Sam Klemke has been recording himself on film, the #selfieavantlalettre. In that same year, NASA launched the Voyager with the Golden Record. Whereas NASA primarily sketches a positive picture of humanity, Klemke's honest self portraits zoom in on the individual. A special film about time, memory and what it means to be human.  ‘This year will be my year, it has to be!’ Since 1977, Sam Klemke - a pioneer status updater - has looked back on ‘his year’ using video. With the illusion of progress, he hopes to encourage ‘personal growth and improvement’.  Documentary maker Matthew Bate met Klemke on Facebook and became acquainted with his video 35 Years Back Through Time, a super-cut in which Klemke counts backwards from 2011 to his ambitious teenage self. Intrigued by this obsessive film project, Bate used Klemke's personal archive to create a documentary collage that feels like an intimate road trip, with Klemke providing valuable lessons about time. Along the way, he dismantles the dream of success and happiness. Klemke's self-mockery and honesty give the whole thing a light, breezy feel.  Through this, Bate interweaves NASA’s Golden Record Project which, just like Klemke’s video project, was launched in 1977. This juxtaposition creates a reflection in which Bate sketches the comprehension of time and self-documenting stories as an inherent human need.

  • 2023 9.0
  • 2010 3.0


    出身于贵族家庭的大庭叶藏(生田斗真 饰)容貌清秀,气质不凡,但他似乎对周遭的人与事充满了焦虑和不安,于是经常有意做出拙劣、愚蠢的事来将自己深深地隐藏起来。所有人中,只有原本陌生的同学竹一看透了他的心思,两人更通过画作成为知己。在上京高等学校求学期间,叶藏偶然结识同一画塾的堀木正雄(伊势谷友介 饰)。这是一个放浪形骸、不拘小节的家伙。堀木仿佛来自伊甸园的毒蛇,为叶藏打开了通往地狱的大门。从此,对生命失去希望的叶藏愈加沉迷于酒色以及万劫不复的堕落之中……

  • 2020 9.0



  • 2017 9.0



  • 1997 9.0


    At the lush Evenswood estate in Concord, Massachusetts, Edith Adelon (Cari Shayne), a beautiful orphan, lives as the paid companion to the daughter of the wealthy Hamilton family, although they regard her as one of their own. Years ago, Henry Hamilton (Tom Conti) saved Edith from an Italian orphanage at the request of his long-deceased brother. Now, Edith is his daughter Amy's (Brigitta Dau) prized friend and confidante. As the Hamiltons await a trio of visitors for the annual Greens Cup horse race, Beatrice Hamilton (Meredith Baxter) asks for Edith's help in finding a suitable husband for a cousin, Ida Glenshaw (Brigid Walsh Brannagh), with one of two visiting eligible bachelors. But when it becomes clear that both the young men have affection for Edith and not Ida, jealousy soon develops, leading to malicious conniving and brutal backstabbing. Despite the growing love between Edith and one of the young suitors, because of their conflicting social classes, the couple is reminded time and again that their love can never be. The Inheritance is a story that centers on an innocent young woman's struggle to make sense of her position within the Hamilton household and in society, and the love she feels for her patrons, as well as for a young man she can never marry.

  • 1988 10.0


    律师弗兰克(詹姆斯·维尔拜 James Wilby 饰)因为脚踝受伤而来到了一处偏远的小山村里修养,在那里,他邂逅了名为梅根(伊莫金·斯塔布斯 Imogen Stubbs 饰)的美丽女子。弗兰克的风趣和健谈吸引了梅根的注意,可是梅根此时已经有了未婚夫乔(杰罗姆·弗林 Jerome Flynn 饰)。在一场剪羊毛大会上,弗兰克亦爱上了能歌善舞的梅根,然而两人的这段感情遭到了梅根家人和乔的强烈反对。虽然饱受非议,但这对爱侣还是决定尊重他们内心的选择,两人相约在镇上的火车站碰头,踏上私奔的旅途。然而,当梅根赶往火车站之时,却并没有看到弗兰克的身影,与此同时,弗兰克遇见了大学同学的妹妹,两人度过了甜蜜的三天。©豆瓣

  • 2024 8.0
  • 2024 9.0





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